Example sentences of "[pron] [det] can [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nothing much can be done about missing pets , but the impression of diligence and earnestness they leave with the bereft alone is a comfort .
2 But it is easy to see what the sceptic will say at this point , quite apart from the implied oddity that there is a claim which I could not be justified in making but which another can be justified in making for me .
3 In short , an alternative is emerging , not one which enables the country to avoid the pain of high interest rates , but one in which these can be concentrated on their proper function : reducing domestic demand .
4 Though this must be one of the main reasons why Germany has received so few Nobel prizes since the war , nothing more can be done about it .
5 In contrast , however , the treatment of laminar flow can be continued to indicate the detailed form of the velocity profile ( eqn ( 11.54 ) ) , whereas nothing more can be derived about the turbulent flow without additional assumptions or experimental observations .
6 Nothing more can be added to this !
7 What is required is an explication of the principle under which they both can be classified under the same species of item .
8 And what a wonderful place , what more can be said about the bar ?
9 Someone in possession with the consent of them both can be said to be in possession ‘ with consent of the owner . ’
10 The number of countries that have produced full comprehensive environmental strategies like our own can be numbered on the fingers of one hand .
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