Example sentences of "[pron] [det] [noun] of [noun sg] for " in BNC.

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1 From 1978 Soviet officials began to show greater interest in the Vietnamese concept of a Zone of Neutrality in Southeast Asia despite their former lack of enthusiasm for the ZOPFAN proposal .
2 Now the Government choose to blame the European Commission instead of putting the blame where it rightly lies — on their own lack of support for the project .
3 Moon Valley Software are already well-known for their Icon-Do-It application that lets Windows users select their own choice of Icon for any particular application .
4 But the test itself was also changed , from gross indecency , which like the deprave-and-corrupt test had been adequate to catch most child pornography , to the lesser test of indecency , the precise meaning of which is left to the jury to assess according to their own standards of propriety for children or young people .
5 The horrible details of the 1914–18 war undoubtedly serve to heighten the poignancy of this feeling , and the creative energy of the war poets evokes its own sense of loss for a stable life snatched away , amidst ‘ the shrill , demented choir of wailing shells ’ .
6 Whilst it described an ‘ Internal Market ’ where ‘ [ … ] the district health authority operates much like the Health Maintenance Organisation in America ; here the patient and GP may have less choice concerning where treatment is obtained because the health authority will make its own assessment of value for money services from other authorities or the private sector ’ , it also pointed out that there is another totally different model being advocated under the generic term ‘ Internal Market ’ , that is ‘ Automatic and immediate cross-boundary flow reimbursernent ’ , which it states ‘ carries the internal market concept to its full fruition , involving transferring the initiative from the planners and treasurers , to the market customers ( i.e. patients ) and their advisers ( i.e. GPs ) with money following the patient ’ .
7 He referred particularly to the need , under judicial review procedure , to obtain leave to apply on the basis of sworn evidence , on the court 's discretionary control of both discovery of documents and cross-examination , on the capacity of the court to act with the utmost speed when necessary and on the court 's avoiding the temptation to substitute its own decision of fact for that of the housing authority .
8 Natural gas contains up to 95 per cent methane , a gas with a high calorific value which requires ten times its own volume of air for complete combustion .
9 A little company in Golden , Colorado has been working on its own version of Unix for the last year and half , this one called Usix .
10 Westminster City Council has taken the initiative and published its own code of practice for caterers on the implications of the Food Safety Act 1990 .
11 Singer Guy Chadwick was all smiles and thanks , saving one little outburst of annoyance for the final encore , a solo semi-acoustic blues number , Secrets .
12 When bidding farewell to Porua , I tried to extract from him some word of praise for my activities on behalf of his paper .
13 When the absurdly naive theatricals by which the clerks seek to cloak their scheme for preventing the miller 's stealing — which has increased from the " curteis " to the " outrageous " with the illness of their college 's manciple — reveal their design to him , he determines to steal yet more , out of pride , and out of his own version of measure for measure , but not out of covetousness : As soon as the two clerks can stop and consider the trick that has been played on them , we see that the miller 's action , motivated by his pride , hits directly at the pride of the clerks : Another offence to John 's pride leads him later to attempt to bed the miller 's wife , hearing the success of Alayn with the daughter ( 4199 – 209 ) .
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