Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] him [verb] at [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I made him look at me and see how pale I am .
2 I heard him shouting at it .
3 My friend was about 50 feet above me and almost out of sight in the fog , when I heard him yell at me to ‘ come and see this ’ .
4 I saw him looking at her , you know , when
5 The path I took ran past Mr Frankland 's house , and I saw him standing at his gate .
6 I saw him look at it in the car when we were driving to the Lubianka .
7 His extraordinary eyes he veiled with lowered lids and humility , and only the satirical curve of his long lips , accentuated by those twin russet flames that forked upwards through his short black beard , caused the chamberlain who admitted him to look at him a second time .
8 Sometimes she caught him looking at her , but he never really kissed her and the vagueness of his attentions made her anxious and say bitter things she did n't mean .
9 From time to time she caught him looking at her , his expression unfathomable , and each time the tension in the cabin seemed to grow .
10 Several times she caught him looking at her unguardedly , and heat flared in his eyes , to be instantly banked as he brought it under control with his iron will .
11 He was not a man much given to talking , but there were times when she caught him glancing at her in a way that held its own silent eloquence .
12 She found him looking at her a little too intently and lowered her gaze .
13 She saw him glance at her gracefully curved female body , as beautiful as any fashion model 's ; but there was no appraisal of her beauty in his eyes .
14 She saw him look at his watch again .
15 He came to sit beside her on the sofa ; she felt him look at her , intently .
16 Standing on her hands with her back against the wall , and she wanted him to run at her .
17 We left him swearing at us , and went back into the kitchen .
18 It was not a risk he was likely to take , even if it meant him staying at his desk for the next twenty-four hours .
19 28–8–1866 Norman McLeod , an Elder , had ceased to attend public worship for the last year and two other Elders were sent to find out why , " when he assigned as reasons several charges against the Minister , that his preaching was neither law nor Gospel ; that he considered him aiming at himself personally in his preaching . "
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