Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] up [conj] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And I went up and down the road and miles away then came back and I could n't stop because this bike was very old fashioned and you had to stop it by pedalling back
2 She walked up and down the street , calling Griselda , though the cat had never been known to come when it was called .
3 A smile still hovering round her mouth , she glanced up and through the mirror .
4 Outside , she looked up and down the road ; then turning to Millie , she said , ‘ There 's nobody here now . ’
5 She looked up and down the quiet street , where the lights made golden leafy spaces in the trees .
6 As she left the phone box , she looked up and down the street for other shops .
7 Furtively she looked up and down the street .
8 Then she stood up and without a backward glance she walked from the cafeteria .
9 Sunlight reflected from a window among the palm trees to lance a sliver of dazzling light at our cockpit , then the reflection was gone and we were at sea level , engines screaming , and I fumbled for the camera , prayed it had not broken when it fell from the ceiling , and took another picture just before Maggot lifted the aircraft 's nose so that we swooped up and over the palm trees that edged the beach .
10 Until we drove up and over the Atlas , I had not thought for years about our time in London .
11 They met up because of the papers .
12 ‘ It 's your fault , Mildred Hubble , ’ she muttered , as they paced up and down the corridor .
13 They galloped up and down the corridor , blundering into walls and against doors , but still Fleury held on .
14 usually through the Summer , we got a visit from the Kirkwall City Pipe Band and they marched up and down the village playing , usually followed by a crowd of Bairns .
15 Headed back up by to , hook ball , looking for , gets his head underneath and it 's just over the top of the bar , he got the full force of his head beneath that ball and it looped up and over the top of er an anxious looking Paul crossbar .
16 He walked up and down the track , waiting impatiently ; he had made his mind up , he was going to lie down in front of the train .
17 He glanced up and down the road .
18 Quickly he glanced up and down the path .
19 He leapt up and down the stairs as if he was in a race .
20 With no time to wait for an ambulance , Colin , 27 , rang the midwife who issued instructions as he dashed up and down the stairs between the phone and the bathroom .
21 Then he looked up and for a moment he was so amazed that he forgot the misery .
22 He looked up and down the road , saw nothing , climbed into his truck and drove off .
23 He looked up and down the street .
24 He stared up and down the street in incredulity as he watched the finely dressed women going about their daily tasks , as if a world war had never taken place .
25 And that 's what 's happening at the moment , because we 're not sitting down and saying , I mean , this is my worry about oh we might do this there , that 's why I want it tightened up because at the end of the day we start , we have various modules at a later date , two , three years time whatever we might decide to sling out but it should really be designed , worked upon so that the incoming person can use it as a basis given their limitations
26 He stood up and with a hand on the Dalmatian 's collar took the bitch to the door and firmly evicted her .
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