Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] that it be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , in spite of the large amount of flying experience I had accumulated overseas , I found that it was of little use to me back in the UK , I did find , however , that my seniority as an NCO seemed to attract functions that I found difficult to avoid .
2 Happiness ( or unhappiness ) was not mentioned , and I assumed that it was of subsidiary importance .
3 Fastening my watch round my wrist I saw that it was after seven and I could hear the farm men clattering in the yard outside as they began their morning tasks .
4 I pulled in there as it seemed a good place to get Armstrong off the road and it was only then I saw that it was in fact an unmade road curving away round the back of the hill .
5 I knew that one as soon as I saw that it was from that is was a reject one .
6 I explained that it is in line with forecasts being made by the IMF , the OECD and the London business school .
7 On the same day , however , Chief Cabinet Secretary Koichi Kato issued a carefully worded statement on behalf of the government which claimed that it was in " deep reflection for having caused unbearable agony and sorrow to the peoples in parts of Asia and the Pacific in fighting started with the attack on Pearl Harbour " .
8 With a shudder she realized that it was in the same block of buildings as Bartholomew Close .
9 He took the piece of paper away with him , the name filled in above the pre-signed certificate , and showed it to Barnett who was pleased and who believed that it was worth having .
10 The budget was also criticized by Lu Ping , the head of China 's Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office , who claimed that it was in contravention of Hong Kong 's post-1997 Basic Law , which stipulated that government spending should be kept within the limits of the revenue it raised .
11 Her interest in cosmetics , like that of her friend Alix Bowen , was minimal , but , like Alix Bowen , she decided that it was after all a festive occasion , and she began at this late moment to apply a little mascara .
12 She read her books with an intense concentration — and she learned what Johnny had to do , and of the terrible odds that were stacked against him ; for as she , in her time , moved towards the middle of July , she knew that , for Johnny , it was August ; and in one of her books she learned that it was in August , between the 8th and the 15th , that the most heavily concentrated forces of enemy bombers had been sent against the military installations , and the ports and airfields of Britain .
13 So as soon as she said that it was in use Monday Wednesday I sort of
14 We were a little discomfited by the request , but agreed to accede to it this once ; but when we realised that it was to be a regular arrangement , we knew that we should have to move again , for over and above the inconvenience of being put out of our room , we were sure that our landlady did not even change the sheets .
15 So we decided that it was worth three pounds . ’
16 However we decided that it was worth trying , arranged it for Thursday 22nd June , starting from Craven Arms , and very successful it was , with 29 people coming on the trip .
17 In researching this complex and multi-faceted problem , we felt that it was of paramount importance to place this issue within an historical , international and political context .
18 Secondly , Meshkinpour did not regard confirmation of a diagnosis as influencing patient management whereas we felt that it was of value in certain situation such as in patients with suspected achalasia before myotomy .
19 Rather than dreaming primarily being psychologically necessary — a response dealing with occasional neurotic erotic impulses during sleep — they argued that it is in fact the outcome of an automatic , pre-programmed neural process .
20 They decided that it was in the best interests of the BBC and its future that John Birt should remain as director general , and gave him their full support . ’
21 They decided that it was in the best interests of the BBC and its future that John Birt should remain as director general , and gave him their full support . ’
22 They said that it was of himself and that the parcel contained a gun which had been taken to pieces so that he could carry it inconspicuously .
23 They said that it was in everyone 's interest that he got caught .
24 By his order dated 14 July 1992 the judge granted a declaration that it was not unlawful for the first or third defendants to administer a blood transfusion to T. if they considered that it was in her best interests to do so .
25 Those who advocated it argued that it was of no use to abolish selection at 11 + , in the name of justice and fairness , and then reintroduce selection a few months later , by streaming children once at school .
26 He recalled that it was on tour in South Africa that they were christened the Pumas .
27 He was picking the letter up when he noticed that it was in Elinor 's own handwriting .
28 ‘ I do n't believe you can go on like this and get away with it , ’ was his core phrase , prepared with care because he believed that it was in the King 's idiom .
29 When asked for the authority upon which the second of these propositions was based , he replied that it was to be found in section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969 , and in the principles stated by the majority of the House of Lords in Gillick v. West Norfolk and Wisbech Area Health Authority [ 1986 ] A.C. 112 .
30 At one point he indicated that it was in the best interests of the investigation .
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