Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] for [adj] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I opted for bright welcoming lights , while my friend said that she liked warm rooms and a good fire .
2 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
3 ‘ Together with my improving physical state it was not long before I was engaged in a voluntary capacity as business counsellor with the local Business Development Venture for which I served for five absorbing years quite happily . ’
4 I waited for another few seconds and then crossed the landing to my own flat where I completed my own process of locking myself in for the night .
5 I smoked for twenty seven years , and erm I 'm getting on to a year now since I stopped smoking and I feel a lot calmer , I hated being a victim to cigarettes !
6 I stayed for eight more years , for the last two as a teacher .
7 He had no short-term memory , which made for some strange dishes but it kept her safe from him .
8 As early as 1884 the Xhosa editor John Tengu Jabavu launched Imvo Zaba Ntsundu ( ‘ Native Opinion ’ ) , which campaigned for African political rights .
9 The PLO 's triumph both in the Arab arena and internationally was underestimated by Jordan and by Israel , which called for new municipal elections in 1976 .
10 There had earlier been an interim order which lasted for some 13 days up to 23 December 1991 and it is common ground on this appeal that the 13 days must by reason of the regulations be subtracted from the three months .
11 By 1832 an enormous wing was attached to Forston 's north side which stretched for five hundred feet and accommodated 65 patients and half as many staff .
12 Corporate partnerships in engineering , electronics and computing , especially involving West Germany which accounted for 120 such partnerships , had increased sharply in the first half of 1990 .
13 However , when the analysis was extended from consideration of only a single variable relationship to a multiple regression model which controlled for other possible influences on strikes , such as unemployment , profits and real wages , it was then found that bargaining structures did not have a statistically significant influence.l'
14 She asked for 54 similar offences to be taken into consideration .
15 It was among the first buildings in France to be listed as in need of help , even if none came for some fifteen years .
16 While still in London she worked for many other causes , campaigning from 1869 for the repeal of the Contagious Diseases Acts and organizing relief for the refugees from Turkish atrocities against the Bulgars in 1876 .
17 And this was expressed in a very imaginative presentation by Professor a young in her keynote lecture when she called for three significant changes .
18 She went for long solitary hikes along well-marked trails .
19 I did ask Mme Guérigny what evidence she had for these sacrificial murders .
20 She longed for some proper clothes too — having to wear one of his large baggy T-shirts was doing nothing for her self-image .
21 Now for all those reasons madame speaker , this these orders er er today are inadequate , too little , too late , we ca n't vote against them , much as the the member who preceded me seemed inclined to vote against them and I wish that he had the g er the guts of 'is cu the courage of his convictions er he should vote against them , er we on this side are far more responsible er than that because to vote against them er might be an indication that we 're as much in frau in favour of fraud as members on the other side of the house , er we 're not in favour of fraud , we welcome any progress to detection of fraud , even progress that we asked for five eight years ago when the relevant legislation was passed .
22 We argued for those seven years on the pitch , at half-time , and at the end of the game .
23 We waited for ten more minutes , and then we hurried on .
24 , it 's the one we had for many many years !
25 When they allowed for four different levels of transactions costs , they concluded that many potential opportunities for profitable arbitrage remained .
26 So ‘ fit ’ and so well adapted were they , and so successfully did they dominate their terrestrial environment , that they survived for 140 million years .
27 They called for separate bilateral agreements with each CIS member state , rather than a common agreement with the CIS Interior Ministries , and also decided to keep Russian as the language for their joint negotiations .
28 Despite the Hinduism of most Tamils and the Buddhism of most Sinhalese , they coexisted for those two millennia without much hostility .
29 As outpatient clinics developed in local general hospitals , GPs started to refer patients to consultants in exactly the same way as they did for other medical specialties .
30 They continued for some five years a guerilla war against the employers .
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