Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] it [conj] [vb past] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I could put it in it were only about ten inches long and I I made it and tapered it erm on a lathe , I put it my ear and side of casing and I could hear all what were going on inside .
2 Mm I mean he looked at me like I was a bit silly and it was only when I got it and looked he 'd got after Christmas written
3 but as I wrote this and you know put in the acc th the conflict , it came up to two thousand five hundred words and I taped it and timed it and I 've been butchering it and cutting out all the really nice little sentences and the nice sentences and I 've got it down to two one sixty and now with that announcement on the end , as I 've got it taped , it 's fourteen minutes fifty-nine seconds for a fifteen minute slot , so it 's about as precise as you 're gon na get it .
4 I 'd seen somebody taking it so I tried it and liked it .
5 So I said I went and lay in the in these bull rushes and I got half a brick , yes , he says , and I saw them coming and he says and I threw it and hit him this er blackleg with this half brick .
6 I turned it and played it to the net , though it did n't come in easily .
7 I opened it and found it was n't signed , so I signed it and used it .
8 When he finished , he kicked at the door , I opened it and gave him something to eat .
9 I opened it and found it was n't signed , so I signed it and used it .
10 There was a Django Reinhardt tape playing , I know because I recorded it and sold it to Stubbly , and Ken the barman was sitting on a bar stool reading the News of the World .
11 I repeated it and got it read back with scepticism .
12 I spotted it and lost it at that last roundabout .
13 Cos I dismantled it and threw it on floor .
14 There 's supposed to be a back fire-escape , but years ago , before I came here , someone unhooked it and took it for scrap .
15 I engineered it and produced it , I did all the bass and everything else on it except the drums .
16 Here and here alone the bourgeois and even more the petty bourgeois family could maintain the illusion of a harmonious , hierarchic happiness , surrounded by the material artefacts which demonstrated it and made it possible , the dream-life which found its culminating expression in the domestic ritual systematically developed for this purpose , the celebration of Christmas .
17 ‘ Or somebody found it and took it away . ’
18 In countries like Spain and Italy , where coal was imported in bulk , it was the railways which transported it and distributed it .
19 ‘ There was something about the way she asked it that made me suspicious .
20 ‘ There is a letter somewhere , ’ Sister Cooney searched until she found it and handed it to him .
21 She unwound it and gave it to him .
22 Carrie wondered if she believed it and decided she was n't quite sure .
23 Like many of the other female physics students , she rejected it and told me that she had no intention of continuing with physics afterwards .
24 She licked it and sucked it in .
25 Her eyes lit up when she opened it and found it full of farthings .
26 She folded it and stood it in the comer behind the music centre .
27 She marked the paths of birds and insects , pointed to the homes of lizards and carried a fishing line which she would occasionally cast , watching for the rough bobbin to lurch , winding in a small , flat saafi fish which danced on the hook until she released it and tossed it back .
28 She loved it and wished she could stay there forever .
29 He created space when you needed it and closed it when you did n't .
30 Without a word she untied it and stuffed it into Werewolf 's lapel pocket until it looked like a dress handkerchief , then she moved behind him and pulled the sleeves of his jacket up to the elbows .
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