Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] as if [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 When Maria knocked on the door at half past five I woke as if I had a hangover .
2 And the singing of birds I had heard a thousand times , thrushes , blackbirds in our London garden , I heard as if I had never heard them before .
3 I felt as if someone had stuck a knife into me — I started to hate Africa then and I went on hating it — I began to hate a lot of things I had n't minded before , when I was happy .
4 I felt as if he felt I was a stranger .
5 I felt as if you 'd left me … as if I was alone on a bridge and there was no safe place at all … ’
6 ‘ It was heart-breaking — she looked so frail , I felt as if I 'd almost lost her , ’ says her mum .
7 Within an hour of sitting down at my old desk , reading through my old files and shouting at my not so old secretary I felt as if I 'd been away from work for maybe just a week 's holiday .
8 I felt as if I 'd handed him a loaded shotgun and said shoot . ’
9 I felt as if I 'd been sitting there half the night .
10 Last time I let you talk me into having a go , I felt as if I 'd had a session in a tumble dryer . ’
11 On the way back from moving the sheep , I felt as if I 'd had a night in the pub , started feeling very wheezy and , Oh this is good .
12 I felt as if I knew you , and you knew me — almost from the beginning of time .
13 Unable to say , Because I felt as if I knew you , as if I 'd always known you ; because your face was as familiar to me as my own , she replied weakly , ‘ Sometimes a particular face stands out .
14 He moved a leg to scratch — innocently ? — his bulging crotch , and the knee just touched mine beneath the table , as if accidentally , and I felt as if I had been touched by lightning .
15 I felt as if I had just given birth .
16 By the time I left his office , I felt as if I had been an established outside-left for years , ’ Bastin later recalled .
17 I felt as if I had singlehandedly wrecked San Francisco .
18 I felt as if I had seen something unclean , ’ Cecil concluded , ‘ so fearful in its cold frenzy that one blanched , asphyxiated in so nauseous an atmosphere . ’
19 I had no friends , I felt as if I had nobody . "
20 I felt as if I had been hit .
21 I felt as if I did n't exist for you . ’
22 I made sure I looked as if I 'd just got out of bed and dressed in a hurry — hence no socks and the sweatshirt — and went down to front garden to wave them in .
23 I shivered as if I had an actual fever , smoked a dozen cigarettes and drank half a bottle of Cyprus sherry .
24 Instinctively , I reacted as if I 'd been hit .
25 ‘ Go on , ’ I said as if I meant it .
26 I leaped as if it had been fired at me , and shrieked at Posi .
27 Next day we were visited by a pod of dolphins which behaved as if they had escaped from a circus .
28 The meal that accompanied it was a feast , cooked and served by the patronne with justifiable pride : tiny moules marinières , which tasted as if they had been cut from the rocks that morning ; bifteck , brown and crisp on the outside , perfectly rare within ; a platter of thin crisp sizzling hot pommes frites ; an excellent salad , served in a plain white bowl .
29 All her attention was on her first bite of bread which tasted as if it had come straight from Paradise .
30 The prison did little to lighten their mood : grey frowning walls with a few sombre buildings peeping above them , and a black gateway with an arch which yawned as if it wished to devour any unfortunate who approached it .
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