Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] on [noun sg] of the " in BNC.

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1 They refused to leave on request and attempts to eject them failed on account of the sudden arrival of reinforcements from the local station .
2 I lived on top of the sea , so the task of transporting the various fish home , and returning them if they were not suitable , posed few problems .
3 I got into the bathroom and took my blindfold off and I discovered on top of the cistern , an automatic weapon .
4 I felt on top of the world and could n't believe the heat .
5 He 'd got away with it as a result of a little snooping I did on behalf of the concerned insurance company .
6 ‘ All I wanted on behalf of the team was the opportunity to qualify for the European Cup final off the back of our last two Champions League matches , ’ said the manager .
7 She campaigned on behalf of the National Union of Women Teachers , the Women 's Election Committee , the Open Door Council ( which aimed to remove protective barriers that restricted women 's employment opportunities ) , and organizations concerned with the welfare of women and children in developing countries .
8 The most recent production was a four-minute cassette that she recorded on behalf of the Church Urban Fund for use in some 80 local radio stations .
9 His Mum had about four flasks she kept on top of the fridge .
10 He was interested in her and she felt on top of the world …
11 Those who spoke on behalf of the elderly found themselves in a dilemma .
12 Now if you 've planted a seed or if you have n't planted a seed then are we in a strong enough position there to ask about the people we dis we discussed on completion of the er first appointment ?
13 I saw a group last year that had a re-release go top ten ; they appeared on Top Of The Pops and they looked so old and so wrong .
14 I I ca n't I mi , who was the last dancers they had on Top of the Pops ?
15 They could n't catch this stallion : it was in a loose box and it got on top of the chap who 'd been leading it .
16 The judge , asked to decide as a preliminary point when the cause of action accrued for the purposes of section 9(1) of the Limitation Act 1980 held that it arose on completion of the works required by the notices .
17 But he maintained that was not the purpose of the composite he moved on behalf of the Tottenham constituency party .
18 He campaigned on behalf of the wrongly-convicted Guildford Four and urged a complete overhaul of the appeal system .
19 And he come there and luckily he went on top of the table to lie down .
20 The Chancel Furnishings and Reredos have been installed by his deaf and other friends in recognition of the great happiness which he brought into their lives by his untold energy and also to commemorate the magnificent work he did on behalf of the Deaf throughout the country .
21 In the campaign for the legislative elections in March 1967 , he spoke on behalf of the Gaullist party and orchestrated the government 's presentation of its record .
22 He apologised on behalf of the organising committee that not all of the workshops were accessible to people with disabilities and assured the participants that any further conferences organised would ensure that this would not happen again .
23 Steaming and giving off tormenting aromas , it sat on top of the television , waiting for Al Iftar , the call to break fast .
24 What went on Top of the Pops ?
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