Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] be [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tagalog concepts are directly relevant to the present discussion because the Buid with whom I lived are in daily contact with Tagalog speaking immigrants from neighbouring islands .
2 And as for Leeds , the only boys I met were at teenage dances .
3 I 'd a lump on my head the size of a goose egg ; I 'd been through some kind of hell in the spaces ; I 'd prayed for … it was not what I 'd prayed for at all .
4 I 'd been to thirteen convents but I had n't really been to school properly because I was working by the time I was thirteen .
5 Yes that 's how that 's how it was , yes all I was on that gate , I 'd been on that gate myself dozens of times .
6 I 'd been at that school for two terms , eight months at the most .
7 ‘ If I 'd been in cold sobriety I would never have married her .
8 I 'd been in this business long enough to know he was lying and that something was going on . ’
9 After I 'd been in three years , I got married .
10 They all put in their tenpenny 's worth about what they thought should be filmed , but nobody asked my opinion , and I 'd been in more films than the rest of the cast put together .
11 I hated being on social security and I tried everywhere for a job .
12 The piece I did is on one side , and on the other is a piece by The Kronos Quartet , called Different Trains . ’
13 one I did was with Caledonian Paper at Irvine and the Finns or the Swedes whoever own
14 I had been along this track many times , and this was the first occasion on which I hesitated to pass the rocks .
15 I had been at great pains to appear distant towards him and been more successful than I had thought I could be .
16 According to these ladies , I had been at certain times a pirate , a builder , a healer , a spiritual teacher , a red Indian and a nun .
17 I had been on low-calorie diets and diets out of newspapers , but I just could not stick to them .
18 Within a week , I received a duplicated form to fill in stating all my details and demanding proof that I had been on that flight .
19 The morning after I had been to this party at the Spanish Embassy , I received an invitation from the Spanish Ambassador and Señora Puig de la Bellacasa to go to their Farewell Party .
20 She was built like a javelin thrower , but she blushed and I knew I had been in good hands .
21 Having been confined to a wheelchair for 18 years I had been in similar situations to this .
22 ‘ He had every reason not to take me seriously as a soldier as he knew how idle I had been in prior days in Layforce . ’
23 I had been in constant pain , since my accident , for nearly two years when I stumbled across the Alexander Technique .
24 All I had was in that crate , its death
25 The last thing I wanted was for some motorist to hit one of my owls just when it was establishing itself .
26 The girls came into school discussing the merits of a programme they had seen the previous evening , a ‘ religious ’ programme , Meeting Point , which had been about pre-marital sex .
27 The council convener , Robert Gough , who presented a plaque to the crew , said it was with regret that they said goodbye to the squadron , which had been of great comfort to people in difficulty on land and sea .
28 Osric , king of Northumbria ( 718–29 ) ( HE V , 23 ) , no details of whose reign are known , could have been a son of Ealhfrith or of Aldfrith , and either way his accession will have represented a restoration of Oswiu 's family to royal power ( even if , in the former case , of a branch which had been in political eclipse for half a century ) , but his successor Ceolwulf ( 729–37 ) was a brother of Coenred ( HE V , 23 ) and Ceolwulf 's successor , Eadberht ( 737–58 ) , son of Eata , son of Leodwald , was Ceolwulf 's first cousin .
29 In a general election held on Sept. 3 , 1988 [ see pp. 36352-53 ] , the People 's Action Party ( PAP — which had been in continuous majority since 1959 ) won all but one of the 81 elective seat .
30 In 1978 I attended the Welsh ploughing championships , held on rich alluvial land in the Wye Valley which had been in continuous cereal production for several years .
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