Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] be [noun pl] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 What I needed were points on the line which exist rather than those which are only theoretical .
2 The three who died were members of the Air Training Corps from Bury .
3 His comments were a bit premature because we find that in the next few months more than half those who died were children between the ages of 8 days and 9 years .
4 Most of those who left were members of the faction associated with Roh Tae Woo , the largest grouping within the party .
5 Within three months , the epidemic strain was cultured from 3 other patients ( M30 , M32 , and M34 ) who had been inpatients over the Christmas period , and had had close contact with patients M8 and M10 .
6 The commercial department of the Central Authority was staffed at the top by three ex-CEB men who had been experts in the complex bulk tariff rules laid down in 1926 to secure equity between independent undertakings : a job which no longer existed .
7 The four , who had been members of the late President Sukarno 's palace guard , were shot by firing squad in Jakarta , despite widespread pleas for clemency from the international community .
8 Three candidates who had been members of the CNC , Nadjita Ngororo , Doungous Kimto and Bobekreo Tchimne , were also defeated .
9 The arrest of three police officers and two military captains who had been members of the elite UESAT unit of the Panamanian Defence Forces commanded by the former dictator Gen. Manuel Noriega , led to suggestions that a serious coup attempt had been intended , and that it had enjoyed wide support from the police .
10 Some 580,000 Estonians took part , exclusively people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Estonia and their descendants ; most of Estonia 's political parties fielded candidates , some with Popular Front endorsement .
11 Ahead of the Latvian Supreme Soviet session , the radical nationalist National Independence Movement organized on April 30-May 1 a rival " Congress of Latvia " , elected in privately organized elections in which only people who had been citizens of the pre-war independent Latvia and their descendants were eligible to vote .
12 All those years ago after we 'd been friends for a couple of months or so ( and he 'd borrowed quite a bit more money off me ) , I confessed to him that I was being persecuted by a thug called Dudley .
13 We had been lovers for a year or so .
14 Earlier there 'd been demonstrations at the Moat House hotel in the city where a conference was being held .
15 Earlier there 'd been demonstrations at the Moat House hotel in the city where a conference was being held .
16 Shildon said mail order lingerie was an area the business section had too long ignored , Rain insisted that knickers were gossip column fodder and Harbury remarked that it could probably be shown there had been offences under the Post Office Act .
17 As the mourners left the Church , there had been plans for a Spitfire to fly over in a final tribute .
18 Eggs had not been one of the things left by her unknown benefactor and there had been complaints about the absence of toast soldiers .
19 There had been offers for the shop which his father had consistently turned down .
20 In 1837 there had been improvements to the dressing floors , and it was then considered likely that every two months about 400 tons of merchantable ore and concentrate would soon be a reality , though the low price of copper prevailing at that time was felt to be something of a drawback .
21 There had been visits by the Royal couple to several foreign countries also , including Communist countries at a time when there existed grave doubts about relationships with those countries .
22 Last night Airtours admitted there had been problems with the apartments and apologised .
23 A British Rail spokesperson in York confirmed that there had been problems with the Settle and Carlisle .
24 There had been reports in the pages of the Cambrian newspaper about Miss Grenfell attending the Race Ball in the Assembly Rooms .
25 This polarisation of attitudes was perhaps unfortunate since there had been signs of a certain willingness on the part of the Department to reconsider the validity of their ideas and to give some weight to the social issues behind the public reaction to the housing policy .
26 There had been disagreements over the timetable : France thought the transitional period was too short , while others wanted even faster movement .
27 There had been windows on the westerly side of the school , but they appeared to have been built up a long time , judging from the appearance of the workmanship on the outside .
28 There had been calls for the removal , even the court-martialling , of the general concerned , but the army had defended the latter and he had been allowed to complete the campaign .
29 There had been moments during the past night when his fear had become almost uncontrollable .
30 There had been activities behind the scene to sort things out there , he said , and he remained confident about the future for Asian economies .
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