Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [been] [adj] at [adj] " in BNC.

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1 She had been convinced at first that it had all been a mistake , that she had indeed misread the unspoken message contained in the postcard .
2 She had been angry at first , then disbelieving , but finally she had gone to the aerodrome to see the padre , begging him for news of Rob .
3 But now he did n't think he 'd been harsh at all .
4 Then he remembered a woman he 'd met once on a train , she was singing hymns to the window , he 'd been embarrassed at first , half her fringe was missing as if someone had taken a bite out of it , only he knew she 'd done it because she caught him staring and laughed and said , ‘ I always cut it when I 'm loaded , ’ and he remembered something about a house , and because there was nothing left to cling to , because it was the only piece of wreckage left afloat , he remembered how to get there too , it was either remember or die .
5 Furthermore , it had been alarmed at local initiatives taken in the immediate aftermath of the June war .
6 It had been wonderful at first , Mouse remembered .
7 He had been bemused at first by the scraps of peripheral information the Brigadier periodically tossed them with the air of someone indulging an already overfed dog , but now he was beginning to understand .
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