Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [vb pp] him on the " in BNC.

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1 There was Barrymore , with the light in his hand , looking out across the moor , exactly as I had seen him on the night before .
2 Anyway I was back in the office when I suddenly felt hot and faint … you see I had left him on the island , with three lanes still to cross .
3 For the first time in over forty years someone had humbled him on the board he considered his own .
4 And yet he could have sworn that someone had tapped him on the shoulder .
5 ‘ Have you not heard of Resenence Jeopardy ? ’ she 'd asked him on the first day of their acquaintance .
6 She had the fleeting impression that she 'd caught him on the raw .
7 She had seen him on the telly — he had been on the early evening news tooting his trumpet .
8 But she had met him on the towpath the next week and the one following .
9 She had sent him on the way to solving the mystery of her husband 's murder .
10 ‘ One must n't take too much of a good thing , for money is easily spent ’ , said one of Beatrice Potter 's hosts , putting the cigarette she had offered him on the mantelpiece after one or two puffs , for the next night .
11 Leese claimed that his ‘ martyrdom ’ had been achieved against the wishes of the Jury who had acquitted him on the serious charge .
12 He believed the Prince that it was de Craon who had informed him on the Sunday night but how had the Frenchman known ?
13 On one occasion an Irish visitor asked a late tenant , Mr Crawshaw , if the lady in white who had passed him on the stairs would be coming down to breakfast soon .
14 And of course that was why Hardy had taken against him , why he had left him on the sidelines any time he picked a team for some action , why he had now given him a job that he knew anyone else in the unit would have balked at .
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