Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [that] most [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I found that most of the animals in the circuses were looked after with a great deal of care and attention .
2 In fact I thought that most of the Scotland team was made up of Leeds player in the mid-70 's … infact that is why I support Scotland & not England ( actually because of Lorimer ) at fooball .
3 Then I said that most of the money would come to me after his death , anyway — I mean , that 's what he told me when the will was read — and it would be too late then .
4 But I think I would be giving you the wrong impression if I suggested that most of the evaluation studies with which I 've been concerned have involved this kind of conclusion , or this kind of result .
5 Also , although I did n't know the place , I suspected that most of the low-lying shore would dry out , and I wanted to go there on the flood .
6 Even worse , the European empires at least left behind them working administrative structures and moderately healthy economies , which meant that most of the ex-colonial countries have managed to maintain stable states and thriving economies — although , of course , not thriving as fast as ours in the west — but the Soviet empire is leaving no administration at all , only economic catastrophe .
7 Now that she was looking closely , she realised that most of the rooms in the house had two doors .
8 Anne had to make many detours to reach the factory and felt triumphant when she arrived there , but she found that most of the women had come in .
9 Shill 's suggestion that his wife committed suicide was dashed by the evidence of Dr Norris , who insisted that most of the head injuries would have been impossible to achieve by someone attempting suicide and that , in the annals of crime , he had yet to hear of a case where a person attempted suicide by bashing his head with a flat iron .
10 The most detailed of these came from Wilshere , who said that most of the time had been taken up by the medical evidence — summarised with a wealth of detail ( which will not be repeated here ) .
11 ‘ In general , we found that most of the errors are reasonable confusions between similar words or sequences of words , such as arriving → arrive in , were in → were n't , on first → Connifer 's , that are in → centering .
12 He said : ‘ It was a struggle at first , because when we took over , we discovered that most of the team had left , so we had to find players quickly .
13 Allowing for transactions costs , they found that most of the mispricings were underpricings .
14 Fonda , Hopper and Nicholson all knew what they meant and they knew that most of the youngsters in the audience would know what they meant .
15 It concluded that most of the mistakes were simply due to lack of care all down the line and not because of untried designs .
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