Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [that] [pers pn] [be] time " in BNC.

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1 I realised that it was time to take back control over my children 's lives and I joined the city wide anti-dampness campaign instead .
2 I knew when I woke that it was time for me to return .
3 It was getting dark and the wind had freshened , the rain gusting through the length of the shed so I decided that it was time to pack up and head for the nearest hospitable pub where I had been told I would be able to get a good meal of hot pie and peas .
4 In late August I was finishing my day at the heart clinic , where I had been working for several months , when I decided that it was time to go .
5 We had several until I decided that it was time for me to sit on her lap .
6 That 's how I used to act , until I realized it was just a sham and I decided that it was time I was honest with myself .
7 So I decided that it was time to pack up I decided that the nights were made to sleep on n n n and I was going to sleep on them you see ?
8 With the greatest of reluctance , I decided that it was time I bought myself another detector .
9 But I knew that it was time to leave , and we said goodbye to them on New Year 's Eve .
10 There was once a king who decided that it was time for his son to marry .
11 She knew that it was time to ease off , do n't push too hard , just wait and let it come out .
12 But I often look back and think well if was the girls who insisted that it 's time mum had a proper automatic washing machine
13 We decided that it was time to start on Jack Nopps ' apricot brandy .
14 After walking in the relative heat for two hours , we decided that it was time for a break , and this decision was reinforced when we spotted a river which looked perfect for a quick ‘ dip ’ .
15 After nine years exploring a new operation for large bowel disease we considered that it was time to take stock and objectively evaluate the merit of restorative proctocolectomy for ulcerative colitis , familial adenomatous polyposis , and functional bowel disorders .
16 After more than ten years he decided that it was time he retrieved some of the money , so from 1921 to 1923 he put the wages of his chauffeur on Arsenal 's expense account and in 1926 charged the club £125 for hiring , over two years , a motor car .
17 Already the warmth was draining from the air and he knew that it was time they were moving .
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