Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [art] [noun sg] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I became a father late in life , and I know it 's a cliché , but she was the apple of my eye .
2 And so I became a beneficiary again of the orifice revolution .
3 I became a star overnight in 1939 , and the money was very , very necessary .
4 Suppose that , when I saw Lloyd George , I made no mistake only through making no judgement whatever … .
5 But looking at some still pictures of it I reckon I made a mistake early on which could have denied ‘ Obbo ’ of scoring a more orthodox try .
6 Mum meant it to be Israel , after her rabbinical father so I made a compromise later by labelling myself Israel Jack ) .
7 I lived an existence just like a hermit .
8 I met the man quite by accident , and we began a conversation .
9 ‘ I think so , because I checked the door later before going down to the village , and it was locked then , and the key was in my purse . ’
10 We went via Kings Cross and I got a taxi across to Baker Street for Hertfordshire .
11 That drew a fiery glare from her and more resonant chuckles from the golden man , until — flushed and annoyed as well as uneasy — I got the floater away from there .
12 Smashing the egg under the brake pedal , I got the car sideways through the Esses and left the track on the exit .
13 I tell ya I got an offer today from London City Poly ?
14 I expected a reply somewhat like that .
15 The sight of those slightly parted lips was almost my undoing but , with the hollow feeling of a gambler who has laid out far too much on a horse , I plunged the titbit firmly into her mouth before my resolve could falter .
16 But I did get another tingle of excitement when I swam a shade too near a jagged reef , and she grabbed me by the shoulder to pull me away .
17 I found a road away from the beach , and walked very quietly and carefully along , in case I was attacked .
18 I found the school hard at first because I hated being shut in .
19 I visited a college there in , in that offshore island in the Indian Ocean and met the principal of that theological college and I said to him , I asked him how the college was going and he gave the same blandness to his answer as to my question and then he said of his theological college we are still training an aristocracy for the church and ensuring the inertia of the people of God .
20 One evening , tired , hungry and frazzled , I caught the tube home from Central London .
21 I phoned the garage today on your behalf , ’ he went on , and paused , and this time , she , interrupted him .
22 I used the bike extensively around London and it was perfectly suited to dealing the city 's often poor roads .
23 This continuity has practical as well as expressive value , because it facilitates the organic style of change I mentioned a moment ago as a practical advantage .
24 I jerked the phone away from my ear and stared into it for a second .
25 I painted the fire once as an allegory .
26 I filled the crack above with belay nuts , tied off , and eventually relaxed enough to hang into my harness and haul in the rope .
27 I studied the wording closely to be sure the shop was exactly where I thought it was , folded up the paper and left the flat to check for myself .
28 I filed a recommendation today fer you t'be promoted to detective sergeant at th'next board .
29 I received an assurance today from police and Army commanders that there will be an enhanced security presence in those areas thought to be most at risk in the light of last night 's attacks in Belfast .
30 I joined the refinery straight from university , never having been anywhere near the place before , and within ten weeks I was actually in charge of my own shift .
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