Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adv] [be] [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 She had a small collection of recipes which had not been suitable for the Mediterranean book and these now became French Country Cooking , published in 1951 .
2 They were in Bill 's roomy Mercedes , and Bill would follow later in Tom 's own sports car , which had not been practical for transporting Faye in complete comfort .
3 The military authorities in Baku moved against the Azerbaijan Popular Front on Jan. 24 , arresting 43 leading members and raiding the offices of the National Defence Council , a radical group allied to the Front which had allegedly been responsible for co-ordinating arms supplies to Azerbaijani militants .
4 And when oversteer does come you 'd better be ready for it because it happens suddenly and rather messily .
5 Surely she 'd only been asleep for five minutes at the very most ?
6 In the next house , Miss Goulding seemed to toil from morning to night at top speed to ensure that the laundry she worked on was ready for delivery by Fred Cotton .
7 She had apparently been dead for a week .
8 Mrs Margaret Jones : ‘ David arrived home carrying the statuette that he 'd won at the song contest that he 'd been to with Ken Pitt and dashed straight upstairs to see his father who had n't been well for a number of days .
9 Davidson , who had previously been married for a total of less than five years to three different wives , said after falling for Tracie that she had made a new man of him .
10 Why did one of them look like a man who had supposedly been dead for over two hundred years ?
11 The crowded conditions they lived in were ideal for passing on an infectious agent .
12 The women I spoke to were almost always subsidiary wage earners ; the money they brought in was essential for survival but was not the main wage of the family and their jobs were often far more unpleasant than their husband 's .
13 Creation was a really small label at that time and they had n't been successful for about two years , so there just was n't the money .
14 But then they had n't been alone for any time before .
15 They had probably been married for some thirty-odd years , perhaps longer .
16 They had all been dead for several days .
17 He put aside being lonely for a moment , and realized that hunger had been waiting for an opportunity to make-itself felt .
18 It had not been necessary for him to be there .
19 Raynor paused , looking down into the half-closed eyes , and saw Grainne smile , and saw , as well , that despite her apparent tranquillity , she had been nervous , and that it had not been easy for her to come to his room .
20 It had not been easy for him to gain readmission .
21 If they had been advised as to the necessity for clear offers in writing with terms set out from the bank , their case is that they would have taken that advice , they would have waited for the bank offer and if and when it had not been suitable for them they would not have exchanged and their case is also that er once things had gone er very badly wrong and they wanted to get out of the contract if they had been advised as to the way out er then er they would have been er of that , they would have served notice and they would have got out of the contract .
22 It had not been reasonable for the Royal Mail to use their dismissals as an example of enforcement of the new rules .
23 In the early years of the " new diplomacy " in the fifteenth and early sixteenth centuries it had not been unusual for a diplomat who died in post to be immediately succeeded by a relative , often a close one , who had been attached to his mission with this possibility in mind .
24 She took a step backwards , and suddenly he realized that it had n't been easy for her to come here .
25 It had n't been difficult for Bill to accede to his wife 's nagging to give the girl a break .
26 As the Legal Aid scheme was given to the Law Society to administer in 1949 and it had also been responsible for the voluntary and statutory schemes in 1959 it was quite logical that the Law Society should also run the new advice scheme and that it should use the local and regional structure which already existed to administer the legal aid scheme .
27 In the eighteenth century it had still been possible for Turks to feel that the empire , inherently superior to the infidel states which threatened it , had no need to stoop to such devices ; but such an attitude was now no longer practicable .
28 It had long been traditional for offices to hold an annual dinner for staff in the winter and an outing or picnic in summer .
29 The Commission so stirred the Poles , that while it had initially been possible for them to buy up Polish estates for German settlement , by 1898 , when the Prussian Landtag voted an additional 100 million marks for the Commission 's use , the Poles had already begun to see the sale of land to the Commission as a crime against the nation and had begun to organise their own agricultural co-operatives and credit unions .
30 Last year an East India company in the tea trade had gone bankrupt , and the court found it had actually been insolvent for a quarter of a century — which had come as a great surprise even to the directors .
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