Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [pron] [adv] to [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was her left arm , however , so she was able to write out the application to my dictation , and I got someone else to type it .
2 It was then , when it came to her that Vendelin Gajdusek was heady stuff , that she took herself severely to task .
3 They , too , had taken to helping in the hospital and Miriam could read on their pale , shocked faces some of the terrible sights they had seen ; after a little while she sent them away to bed .
4 We did it just to book all the bands we knew , ’ recalls Barbara Pendleton at her office in the Festival 's West London HQ .
5 We left them there to season , we did n't bother .
6 They , they gave you enough to sort of live on .
7 Blanche drove on and three hours later she was safe in Dornaway Castle , where she seemed so shaken that they put her straight to bed .
8 Nu was no longer concerned with politics ; he devoted himself entirely to Buddhism .
9 Though he could n't see her , the darkness was a black canvas , and he painted her there to perfection , her beauty gazing down on him .
10 He took me often to organ recitals ( Goss Custard and Thalben Ball ) and to the Proms , where he sat in the balcony over the orchestra cupping his good ear in his hand .
11 ‘ It 's funny you should say that , ’ said Miss Mack 's Solicitor , from a resumed recumbent position , rather dreading his appearance as No. 11 in boots too small for him , ‘ because an uncle by marriage of mine took me once to tea with some cousin of his who had been a county cricketer and this county chap said middle and leg was best because it gave you room to cut . ’
12 He held her away to arm 's length , his kindly brown eyes sweeping her face as though searching for clues .
13 But he was smiling broadly as he held her away to arm 's length .
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