Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [prep] [noun] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I checked with Betty this morning as to whether you 'd be in and she said you were making one of your special cakes , so I guessed you would ask the girls up to tea .
2 It spills over , it goes into er the civil service unions that I addressed in Parliament this week .
3 I talked to Edna this week , ’ he began , as they started up a steep incline to the north of the city .
4 As I lay in bed that night , watching the flash of the searchlights on the darkened wall , I asked Robin Summers the same question .
5 I lay in bed that night , trying to remember what had been in the bag .
6 I lay in bed that night , waiting for my father to return , and for the phone to ring , while I thought about what had happened .
7 Dinner came ; for me the meal was a very hasty one , and before I went to bed that night I had finished reading the manuscript .
8 That was the real reason I was sweating as I went to bed that night .
9 ‘ I care about your good opinion of me , so I want to explain why I went to Bath that night .
10 I went to sleep that afternoon fully dressed , and I did n't wake up until seven forty-five P.M. I washed and changed my clothes , and walked through the old part of the city with its strange , crouch-backed , medieval buildings , like a Hollywood set built for Garbo .
11 I went into town that day , bought an extra plastic model of a Jaguar , made the kit up that afternoon and ceremonially blew it to pieces on the roof of the Bunker with a small pipe-bomb .
12 oh he looks young , I do n't know , I went in doctors , I went in doctors this morning for a prescription
13 Do you know , it dawned on me , I went in shop this morning for some stamps and he did n't have any and I were gon na go to garage you only get er four stamps in them books now .
14 I spoke to Michael some time ago , he 's getting better , and I look forward to him resuming his duties .
15 So when I said to Bob this morning was it Bob , I said do n't I do n't have a magic wand that 's gon na get rid of them but what I hope I 'm gon na give you over these two days is a system whereby you can use that and can support you so you 're able to effectively present despite having the nerves and be able to put over your point of view effectively , yeah ?
16 In the many conversations I had with Ronnie that year , I never heard Ronnie deny it ; nor did I ever know him to be disloyal .
17 I sat at home that night and cried and cried .
18 I sat in church this morning and fairly boiled .
19 I draw the Government 's attention to the Home Office standing conference on crime prevention , chaired by James Morgan , which reported in August this year .
20 The goal deluge at St James 's Park brought home the need to counter the effects of the new offside law which came into force that summer and which reduced from three to two the number of players required to be between an opposing attacker and goal when the ball was last played .
21 Twenty nine per cent were worn below the legal limit of 1.6mm of tread , which came into force this year , and 54pc were below the old limit of 1mm .
22 MORE than 19 million employees will pay £3 a week less in national insurance contributions and more than two million pensioners will be able to work without reducing their state pension entitlement following changes which came into force this month .
23 At present the convention , which came into force this month , only provides for an exchange of information , consultation , research and monitoring .
24 Montenegro 's young and go-ahead leadership , which came to power this year amid furious popular dissatisfaction with the ‘ old men in grey suits ’ , sponsored the gathering of Nicholas 's surviving relatives — the first ‘ royal reunion ’ organised by a Communist government .
25 The Institute of Practitioners in Advertising is to continue its campaign , which broke on TV this year , to reassert the industry 's effectiveness , according to IPA president Peter Mead .
26 The first volume , which went on sale this year , is devoted sculpture , while the second , due out in 1993 , covers the Baptistry 's paintings .
27 By now Pretty Polly was a national heroine , and to the vast throng which crowded into Ascot any suggestion of defeat was heresy .
28 The payout accounted for his entire career with the group , which ended in March this year after he left to join a US stores group .
29 The original five-year ban , which expired in March this year , was made at the request of the Salvadorean government and is intended to protect the significant archaeological sites in the Cara Sucia region where stone and ceramic artifacts have been uncovered .
30 Hebrews 12.3 : ‘ Consider him who endured from sinners such hostility against himself , so that you may not grow weary or fainthearted . ’
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