Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [noun] [prep] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Later still , living in Canada , travelling in the United States and working with Americans , I came to understand that not everyone lived history in the same way ; that for many Americans , history was only a bunch of dead stories .
2 Using 3½× ¾in wooden slats resting on battens , I made spacers from the same wood , and glued these to the battens .
3 So I lost interest for a few years .
4 Elinor said , ‘ I saw Sam for a few minutes , darling .
5 I sent Poole to the same chemist to fetch some more chemicals .
6 At one point I left Switchboard for a few months .
7 I left hospital at the same time as Mrs Anukan .
8 In the process earlier holistic concepts of healing associated with women healers were eclipsed by an atomistic approach which reduced patients to no more than their dysfunctioning parts .
9 The HCR was responding to a proposals made on Aug. 26 by a Joint Consultative Commission which comprised members of the former ruling party , the Rassemblement du peuple togolais ( RPT ) , and eight opposition parties .
10 In the 1970s , genetic engineering made it possible to clone human insulin genes in micro-organisms which secreted insulin with the same structure as natural human material .
11 Customers of the rival Lambeth Water Company , which took its water from the upriver source of Thames Ditton and which served houses in the same London streets , suffered only a sixth of their risk .
12 In the legislative elections which took place on the same day , Jawara 's People 's Progressive Party ( PPP ) secured 25 of the 36 directly elected seats in the House of Representatives , six fewer than at dissolution .
13 The study of language , literature , and history was also substantially influenced by the general process of higher academic specialization which took place during the same period .
14 It was increasingly imperative to have books which brought rulings on the same subject together under one heading , such as marriage .
15 Shirley was a good runner , and she caught Heather up a few yards from the fire .
16 Although she caught sight of a few racing friends , she felt ill at ease among the social butterflies that trilled and chattered all around her .
17 She affected Luke in the same way as he did her .
18 The church of St Margarets in the shadow of the Houses of parliament was filled today with politicians from both sides of the house who paid tribute to the former MP for Cirencester and Tewkesbury Nicholas Ridley .
19 I have yet to come across another dog who began life in the same way Sadie did which has now successfully integrated into society .
20 A further two female family members , both siblings from the 3rd generation , who required surgery for the same condition are now reported .
21 Their mothers , who gave birth in the same delivery room , were in separate wards .
22 Among supporters of Cardoso de Mello who left office at the same time as her were Infrastructure Minister Eduardo Teixeira ( appointed in March — see p. 38095 ) , chief foreign debt negotiator Jorio Dauster , president of the Central Bank of Brazil , Ibrahim Eris , and president of the state-owned Banco do Brasil , Alberto Policarpo .
23 As with Dubček in the 1960s , the Soviets endorsed the new Hungarian leaders of 1956 , János Kádár and Imre Nagy , who replaced Rákosi on the latter 's death .
24 You had sort of a these eyes on on this big plate and it was turning round and it would be er churning them up you know , cutting them into like big er chip potato chip you know really .
25 Well I think what Mr is really saying is that the Conservative round Dorset , in er , the first sort of , I do n't know , six decades of this cen this century were rather more sensible than the Conservatives who ran Wiltshire at the same time , because they made sure they acquired some assets they could flog for development , and put themselves in this happy position , which the ones in Wiltshire had obviously failed to do .
26 For those who held Office under the King-that is , Chancellorships or Council positions — there might be meetings in the Star of the Poets . ’
27 Pickering said : ‘ Dave Mackay did a great job for Derby in his mid-thirties and we saw Robson as the same type of leader . ’
28 One of our early tasks was to confront the report of the Serpell Committee in May 1982 , and accordingly we gave evidence at the All Wales Conference held in Cardiff in that year .
29 It was she who , commenting on the Sharon Tate murder in August 1969 , said ‘ Dig it , first they killed those pigs , then they ate dinner in the same room with them , then they even shoved a fork into a victim 's stomach !
30 They caused trouble on the least provocation .
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