Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [be] [adv] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd been away after that before I came to the electricity works here .
2 Earlier in the month I had been strongly against any idea of coalition …
3 The average thermal efficiency of French steam power stations , which had been well below that in Britain initially , was to overtake it in the later 1950s , as the more advanced French sets were commissioned ; and France caught up with American levels of thermal efficiency , while Britain remained behind .
4 I mean , you were n't even sure she 'd been there at all . ’
5 The girl had been missing for what — a week ? — and off-hand he agreed with the local man 's judgement that she had been here for most of it .
6 Cassie shivered as she contemplated the knowledge that she had been here in this kitchen once before … or as near as made no difference .
7 It was considered inhumane to move out the large number of ‘ old long-stay ’ residents who had been there for many years .
8 There we dropped off one hunter and his labrador , and collected two others who had been there for several days , totally alone with their guns , their butane gas stove , the deer and the eternal forests surrounding them .
9 " Any more than I can explain why cholera should have always attacked those of our soldiers who had recently arrived in the Crimea in preference to those who had been there for some time …
10 No war correspondent , however , could have described the gloom that pervaded the air , or the look of hopelessness ingrained on the faces of anyone who had been there for more than a few days .
11 Then he held out his arms and she went into them , laughing , wiping out the days they had been apart in that one eager meeting .
12 He 'd had himself painted and sculptured again and again , and he 'd been there for all the world to see .
13 He 'd been there for some time .
14 He hated the music they were playing Highland stuff , mostly — he hated being here in this dull , wet town , with these dull people listening to their dull music at their dull wedding .
15 But , if it had been either of these , how would they get into the Tower , mysteriously ring a tocsin bell and then arrange for Mowbray 's fall ?
16 Keith Sutton , prosecuting on behalf of Sefton Council 's Public Protection Department , told the court there was sufficient oil in the insect to suggest it had been there for some time .
17 He had been away for some hours .
18 There may be occasions when it is quite right or entirely understandable that an asylum applicant did not make his claim until he had been here for some time .
19 He looked as though he had been there for some time , and Shelley had a funny feeling that he was looking studiously down to hide the fact that he had been listening at the door to her conversation with Mrs Richards .
20 Because then it was that she knew , with blinding clarity , what had been there for some time now .
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