Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [be] [verb] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It jolted me into making the decision to quit , but I 'd been moving that way for a long time .
2 They were large as life recreations from the EA Hockey game I 'd been playing all week .
3 I 'd been to work all day and I 'd been and been running sheets off all night .
4 I 'd been growing that beard for 10 years and had grown quite accustomed to it , ’ says the now clean shaven Chris .
5 But I had been visited that morning by what was usually at this state of the term a rare inspiration , and was writing a poem of my own .
6 I had been expecting this news for some time but it still came as a terrible shock .
7 IF I HAD been writing this chapter twenty years ago , I would have headed it Wester Ross or Ross-shire without hesitation , and still prefer to do so despite the absorption of the area into the new county of Highland Region in I 974 .
8 If I had been fishing that section of the drain from the other bank , as I usually do , that would have been one of the swims where I would have expected to get a run or two .
9 I had been remembering another rose garden lit by shafts of lightning and somebody telling me not to be afraid and to go to sleep .
10 For four years I had been planning this journey , and the thought of exploring Aussa and discovering what happened to the Awash had seldom been out of my mind .
11 I had applied to continue full-time research following my degree course , but this had been turned down by my chief officers ; however , I had been told that assistance for part-time study would almost certainly be approved in view of the national policy of encouraging officers to extend their educational qualifications .
12 It was the prose at which I had been working all morning .
13 Certainly nobody had been taking any notice of this one — but then , had n't he been playing very badly , anyway ?
14 A letter to a Front soldier from a citizen of Görlitz in late June or early July 1940 undoubtedly spoke for many in stating that , following the ‘ unimaginably great ’ events which had been seen each week in the newsreels , ‘ we will never be able to thank the Führer and brave army enough for sparing us at home the horrors of war ’ , and that an ‘ immensely great ’ future awaited Germany ‘ in the construction of Europe after the final victory ’ .
15 The sun , which had been hidden all day , broke through the cloud at the very moment that Bill fell tail first into a peat hole filled with boggy water and could n't get out .
16 It is understood that the deal had been held up by the Bank of England which had been seeking some form of ‘ comfort ’ from Bank of Edinburgh 's largest minority shareholder , Scottish Amicable , with 39.2 per cent , effectively asking it to stand behind depositors and take a more active role .
17 Justice Minister Kobie ( H. J. ) Coetsee announced on March 22 that the ban on unauthorised political and protest meetings without written permission from a magistrate , which had been renewed each year since 1976 , would lapse on March 31 .
18 On Dec. 23 two Palestinians were shot dead and more than 40 injured during fresh unrest in the Gaza Strip , the borders of which had been opened that day for the first time since the abduction of Toledano .
19 The meal was organised around the char which had been caught that afternoon , and Hope was touched at the extravagant praise lobbed his way for the provision of the excellent fish .
20 used to have to w run the old b back the old horse and cart into the co crew yard which had been standing all year with about umpteen beasts on it , trampling it down , more straw , trample it down , more straw , trample it down .
21 This consisted of a milk bottle filled with water to which had been added some lemon juice , and four rounds of Vienna bread , which should have contained beef , but it had run out .
22 At last she could admit honestly to herself that some part of her had been waiting all evening for this moment when her own self-imposed barriers would be swept away .
23 How would you feel if you 'd been paying this money for ten years and then you lived , you lived after than , and you got nothing for it basically .
24 She wished she could say she knew she was being difficult and edgy , taking it out on him because she 'd been denied another child .
25 Mrs Abigail , similarly affected , believed that what she 'd been dreading all day had now come about : the parents of some child had arrived at the bungalow .
26 I suspect she 'd been following that fool of a carrier . ’
27 Are there any naked nuns in the film ? ’ — with cool , defiant charm , while George Harrison , who 'd been doing this sort of thing since his Beatle days , kept the whole thing on an even keel with his Liverpudlian wit and wisdom .
28 But I bumped into Chris who 'd been doing some session work with Steve ( Buzzcocks ) Diggle , who was looking for a guitar player to do a few gigs , and Chris kind of trapped me into that .
29 The woman who died was driving this pick-up truck when it hit an ambulance travelling in the opposite direction along the A417 , half a mile out of Cirencester .
30 Nothing she damaged was making any difference .
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