Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [conj] [pron] said [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I realized as I said it that this could sound a little tactless .
2 I checked and they said no-one has attempted it yet . ’
3 You have n't — ’ I stopped before I said something he might take exception to .
4 Manchester City ! ’ he said , continuing the chant which was so like those I had heard at Manchester 's Maine Road ground that I marvelled when he said he had never been to England .
5 And I felt and I said I did not kill her and I was the murderer and Shameer said check hit me but she did n't it felt like a hit and you do n't accidentally do that do you ?
6 ‘ What I meant when I said you were an asset , Matt , is that you provide the sexual fillip which Cadogan 's would otherwise lack . ’
7 I thought that ye said ye stole it . ’
8 Erm oh I asked him about that when I went and he said it were nothing to worry about , it 's just
9 Erm one , one of the statements that you did come out with when you , when you were saying about erm why you were there , you said about to make sure that your policy is performing how you wish it to which is as good a one as I did when I said you 're obviously satisfied with , with your Friends Provident contract cos we 're brilliant erm Martin asked the question about why has the , why has the bonus gone down and , and you overcame that objection er which was good and he , he was , he was satisfied with that .
10 He must get himself asked for He said he did n't know anyone .
11 Mr Smith asked : ‘ Can you explain what you meant when you said you were in a minority in Lady Thatcher 's administration ? ’
12 She cried when we said he had won the Woman Extra competition .
13 She cried when we said he had won the Woman Extra competition .
14 She said but she said I 'll say seven days but , she 's put the but in .
15 No , because she said something , she said that I said something did n't she ?
16 from Pilkingtons and there 's little , she said you would n't notice it but there 's little like , little things on and when he did the grouting yesterday she said that she said it was awful , she did n't like it at all so she told him this morning
17 And she said cos she said you know she she said I was madly in love with him .
18 And erm she was like with him and she said and she said something like , Oh I 'm going .
19 That 's why Briant found it odd you should refer to the baby as ‘ it ’ ; it was n't the use of a neuter term , but the way you sounded when you said it .
20 Yes yes right I 'll see what I can do by September I should be able to do a fair bit by then Yeah well I say I 've done the doll , that 's for August that 's for the er Beckley fete but it 's for , Friends of Beckley Church and it 's guess the doll 's birth date which as you said as you said it should have two
21 Well I think it 's sorry I do n't think it will serve any purpose people actually get up and make character assassinations of other people and when were talk in terms of I said You said and He said I do n't think that 's a productive way to conduct the evening 's business . .
22 The insults to the queen , I mean she grimaced when they said it and she had
23 And no one argued when he said he had become an embarrassment .
24 Well we did because we said we 'd have to specify what to .
25 they came and they said we had a free booking .
26 Everyone said what they thought and I said I had always believed in God and Jesus Christ due to my upbringing , personal feelings and experiences but I found commitment difficult .
27 He 'd got all the er information about it when he came and he said it was the best type of covering if you 've got dogs or cats .
28 what happens , then his she stands there , you bloody by four but I mean he finished when I said he was gon na finish for a change I should think .
29 She , skilled in the ways of therapy , had after the first few sessions begun dissecting his own motives for him and Kevin , like an obedient dog , ended up nodding slowly as she told him clearly , fully , frankly what he meant when he said what he thought about what she or Henry felt , and how what he thought he thought about what they felt , or said they felt , probably was n't what he really felt any more than what they said they felt was really deep down what they really felt .
30 He smiled as he said it .
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