Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] at " in BNC.

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1 However , I realized if I looked at it underwater , it was bigger .
2 What I found when I looked at this problem over the course of ten years was that this complexity , like responsibility time span , also occurs in leaps or jumps .
3 But I found when I looked at my books a week ago , or a fortnight ago , I thought , oh I know this , I know this , but it 's not until you get into it that you think shit !
4 I stopped when she hissed at me to shut up and let her get on with it .
5 I just said ‘ Yes ? ’ and as I dropped the pen she 'd handed me back into her bag , I noticed that she carried at least two fat rolls of ten-pound notes secured with circular gold clips shaped like salamanders , or maybe alligators .
6 The first thing I noticed as we arrived at the famous pot was a fixed caving rope leading down into the dark abyss , and I could n't resist scrambling across to peer in .
7 I reckoned that I had at least one brigade of white cells on the start line with other brigades available as required .
8 I turned and we looked at each other .
9 er I knew that he lived at .
10 Anyway , I thought if I stayed at Julie 's we could have an early night and I 'd be here in the morning .
11 Now another thing as I said that she looked at in terms of clusters was the centre line .
12 Well my Lord as I said as I said at the beginning I think the both Mr and myself considered that it might er assist your Lordship considerably if you have some time now to read er the witness statements and the reports from the expert which are in bundle three and indeed erm .
13 Eyes which widened when they looked at Sabine , then became opaque — blank .
14 I remember that song that you mentioned that you quoted at the beginning of the programme ‘ Look into the Irish , the Welsh and the Scot , you 'll find he 's a stinker as likely as not ’ is how it went on .
15 She recalled that she had at the time been a little put out by the prince 's interest in Joan — but now the important thing was to persuade Joan to join in the festivities and bring her a first-hand report .
16 She started as she looked at her father .
17 And all the time , she thought as she sat at her desk nursing the remains of her hangover , Angy had been dead in her little one-room flat , alone and open-eyed , lying where she had fallen with the knife in her throat and her lifeblood flooding her lungs .
18 And when she looked and she looked at me .
19 Julia made no effort to talk then , because her throat hurt so much , but later , over dinner , she felt that she had at least to try .
20 Her head ached : she could encompass no more , She felt as she felt at the end of some long and erudite lecture in a foreign tongue ; her mind would no longer pay attention .
21 She waited until he stabbed at her then , using her left forearm to block his wrist , she followed up by slamming the heel of her right hand against his chin and kneeing him in the groin .
22 He listened to what she said and they laughed at the same things .
23 ‘ I do n't know if it will do any good , ’ she said as she looked at the medicine , ‘ but it might .
24 ‘ Here we are , ’ she said when they arrived at her close .
25 Her host repeated that she was to order anything that she wanted and she stared at the words on the card , taking none of them in .
26 Something clicked as I looked at the number .
27 So a modern sexual dimorphism is explicable in terms of erm inter-male er conflict and it may be in the case of human beings er most of them are , for example the larger body weight of males that we saw when we looked at sexual dimorphism in human beings is probably explicable erm in terms of inter-male conflict like it is in chimpanzees .
28 No one answered when we called at the Manor House , which is at the end of a long secluded drive overlooking the estate .
29 Everyone cowered as she screamed at him , ‘ Go on !
30 ‘ Oh God , ’ he whispered as he stared at his captors , his eyes bulging madly .
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