Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [conj] [noun sg] [be] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes she thought that food was like a gag .
2 Sabine Jourdain had been killed because of what she was prepared to say , Barbara Coleman had been kept out of the way because of what she knew and Rain was to be killed before she could publish the story .
3 Archaeologists can reveal only very fragmentary glimpses of how people lived at any period , but what they imagined and thought is beyond recovery — the meagre scraps of records are useless or , at best , tantalizing in that they provide details torn from their context .
4 He argued that society is at bottom a system of organization for producing the goods on which people depend for their life .
5 Rousseau challenged the Christian doctrine of Original Sin ; he believed that man was by nature good , and that he had been corrupted by civilization ; savages were uncorrupted .
6 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
7 Riding beside them , he explained that time was of the essence if their father 's instructions in respect of the protectorship were to be carried out .
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