Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adv] been [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Funny I 'd just been saying that , just been reading a book allegedly written by erm Uri Geller , you know the
2 ‘ On its own , perhaps not , but I 'd also been told that day that people believed you and an English journalist who lives here , James Cobalt , were making enquiries about drug trafficking .
3 No , I 'd never been given that option .
4 I had not been counting own goals for more than a few minutes when I heard extraordinary sounds coming from my wardrobe .
5 If I had not been chasing that gipsy woman I could have gone to the party and chased Leila . ’
6 I was not given the run of the pavillon and I took it that , since I had not been extended this facility , I was not welcome to it .
7 And , besides , I had always been told that self-pity was despicable .
8 But that was less surprising than that somebody had still been issuing such certificates in the chaos that had been Germany , just three weeks before the final surrender .
9 When she had finally been rescued some two hours later it was discovered that the hem of her frock had been chewed away .
10 ‘ If she had n't been screaming all that nonsense at the top of her voice , it would never have happened .
11 But no , she had n't been wearing that dress , of course she had n't .
12 And then they had all hooted with laughter and teased him mercilessly when they 'd arrived , because she had n't been seen all evening and they knew he was deeply disappointed .
13 She had n't been paying much attention to the journey , and did n't have any idea of where they were ; the archway led into a long courtyard with a cobbled surface and small , squeezed-in houses to either side .
14 She had not been receiving any fertility treatment and it was only after a routine scan that all was revealed .
15 Because she had been detached from it at the most traumatic moments , she had not been caused any distress but was well able to see how the combination of Daniel 's various experiences could have led to her phobia about water .
16 She had not been given any choice in the matter .
17 It turned out that our candidate , who came to address us one evening , knew my Aunt Kit and had the greatest admiration for her , even though he also knew that the only reason why she had not been offered another , safer constituency after 1945 was that it had become too obvious she was unable to keep off the drink .
18 It was as though she had secretly been waiting all evening for this moment , for this invitation to walk along the beach with him .
19 In the course of his opinion in Maitland , the Lord President ( Clyde ) observed that the nobile officium should be exercised where a formal step had been per incuriam , omitted , and unnecessary delay and expenditure would result if the whole procedure had to be carried out again ; but that it was not to be used as a cloak for incompetence to extend a statutory remedy to a party who had not been given such a remedy , or , by consent of parties , to supplement statutory procedure by what would be an amendment of a statute .
20 All this made Rose and Oliver , who had not been told any new secrets , very nervous and uncomfortable .
21 ‘ You told me you had n't been using any different chemicals , Bob . ’
22 ‘ I knew you had n't been paying any attention .
23 Pavel knew that he 'd not been the best company but then , they had n't been treating this job as anything particularly special .
24 There were doctors concerned that they had never been given any information about a nuclear accident , farmers worried about the effect of contamination on their stock and crops , and a teacher who recited his own poem about a nuclear disaster and then presented the Inspector with an oak leaf from the Quantocks .
25 Mr Siddle said they had never been given any written instructions by Redpath Offshore about safety , but as a skilled workman he knew about having to support loads .
26 In answer to charge 4 that he had treated Royan without taking a proper history or examination or consulting his general practitioner , Dr Mumby said he took the clinical history in the form of a questionnaire which patients filled out in advance but he rarely examined patients because they had usually been examined many times elsewhere and because taking a history by questionnaire was an established technique of clinical ecology .
27 But Mike was hurting too much already from the blow that had split his nose ; he 'd never been hit that hard .
28 It had also been discovered that ANT , which had since been closed down , had been preparing other illegal export deals worth nearly US$900,000,000 involving items including valuable metals , uncut diamonds and classified aviation equipment .
29 He stated that it had only been made some fifteen to twenty years ago by , of all people , his uncle .
30 Thin , pale , intense , he had not been speaking many minutes before we were electrified by this man .
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