Example sentences of "[pron] [vb past] [adv] say that the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I think I 'd better say that the Steering Committee did n't seem to believe I saw an inspector .
2 I did not say that the world was in a sorry state , that it contained no dangers or that there was in absence of sinister-looking developments .
3 He went on to say that the Met failed in this respect , and it is certainly the case that in the late Sixties some policemen would have taken the evidence with them , later , with a conjuror 's flourish , producing sackfuls of cannabis from behind the furniture with cries of ‘ Hullo John !
4 He went on to say that the solutions are diversification , restraint , restructuring and strategic alliances .
5 Adjudication would be undertaken by a panel of distinguished doctors and psychiatrists and , to the delight of the press , he went on to say that the finals would be screened worldwide .
6 He went on to say that the use of non-book resources was one aspect in which hoped-for developments had not taken place , and this is typical of the awareness that , despite general satisfaction with the project , there were limits to its success .
7 He went on to say that the unanimous view of the High Court judges in Scotland was that the Scottish courts should remain the responsibility of the United Kingdom and not become the responsibility of the Scottish Assembly .
8 However , he went on to say that the CWS ’ remains wholly opposed to unrestricted Sunday trading and will continue to seek a sensible reform of the law on the basis of the REST proposals put forward by Keep Sunday Special Campaign . ’
9 However , he went on to say that the acceptance of the existence of Communist China did not mean that Taiwan had abandoned its " one-China policy " and that the country was prepared to wait for a positive response to its proposals for unification on the basis of liberal democratic policies .
10 He went on to say that the Head characteristically had ‘ preconceived ideas ’ and was ‘ somewhat biased towards and against certain individuals ’ and that the reviews were not likely to affect the Head 's preconceptions very much .
11 He did not say that the accident which had befallen Mr. Banks was death by shooting .
12 It did not say that the BBC wanted an experienced journalist' : it asked for relevant experience .
13 Certainly , it justified the rebellion as a military duty , necessary to save the Fatherland from anarchy ; but it did not say that the objective was the overthrow of the Republic .
14 to clobber in Black Heath village I notice it did n't say that the premises are now called the age centre .
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