Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] then [pers pn] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Or you can actually try freezing them to kill them and then they just drop off on their own .
2 But when the war came you see they came as evacuees a lot of them and then they never went back .
3 As soon as he got out and about he was going round the house looking for you and then he just stood at the bottom of the stairs and banged until I took him upstairs and he could have a look round up there and then he realized you were n't there
4 They start arguing and everything and then he just chucks her out the win
5 years and then they think , yeah we might do something and then they actually go out and do it !
6 Someone else was going to do this one and then they suddenly switched me on to it . ’
7 Oh yes , they were a bit pleased but straight away they started getting , you know Alex was getting tired so we were getting can I get it out , can I get this out , can I get that and it were half open and I was frightened of losing the bits so I gave him one and he said no he did n't want that one he wanted the other one , so I give him another one and then I nearly gave him a clout .
8 For a second Sara looked blankly at him and then she suddenly remembered the little man who had called to see Matthew the day Fairfax had been there .
9 Well you do n't know you 're on it until you hit it and then you just lose your steering and your wheels just go all over the place
10 But he looked across to us and saw us and then he really cheesed off with me we he di he virtually sat
11 Well I remember being aboard the Brandon , because Uncle John came and stayed with us at the cliff and er , er father was at sea somewhere but he came and stayed with us and then he now went down into er to see his captain cos they were sailing on on the tide the next day .
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