Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] she [vb past] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 She felt rage flood through her and she fought down the impulse to scream — that was just what he was waiting for .
2 The job grew daily more loathsome to her and she understood now the defiant wretchedness which had been devouring Rose when they first met .
3 Jinny was paralysed until Keith prodded her and she choked out the first words .
4 She shifted yet further away when he turned around to face her and she saw where the course of the chain originated from .
5 Sperber and Wilson 's ( 1986 ) principle of relevance entitles the hearer to expect adequate contextual effects for the minimum necessary processing effort.5 This means that a speaker who is asked to say what , for example , was said in a lecture would not satisfy the principle of relevance if he or she read out the entire content word for word .
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