Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] i think [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then the scuffles subside and I think I hear my bedroom door opening , so my finger tightens on the trigger and I hear my name and I shake my head and I recognize the voice and I know it is Jancey and she 's shouting where am I and I think they 've grabbed her and made her act the decoy and I 'm trying to work out what to do when I hear what she 's saying .
2 Well you know I agree with ya and I think I think
3 She looked at me and I thought I saw something stirring in her watery blue eyes but it was just a random current fizzing somewhere .
4 Erm there are again there is information , there 's lots of packages on environment there 's boo , booklets on it which Catherine gave to me and I think I need to think about specific areas in the school like Milvia 's doing but not to overlap if Milvia does think about that , to try something else , some other way .
5 It 's the first day I 've been with them and I thought I do n't know .
6 Because there 's quite a list of them and I think they explain many of the descriptive characteristics of o of goods or that Freud refers to .
7 you had that one but I thought I 've seen wo , a similar one the other week .
8 Yes I suppose it 's true that for somebody like me I 've been involved in quite a lot of different groups over over the years and the quarry men 's support group is it 's difficult to put in words really er exactly how it 's erm you know I think it 's very easy f for groups to become sort of s set really and er well I 've always wanted it to involve everybody and I think it does that in a way it sort of er it 's quite special to all of us in in a funny sort of way it 's er you know we feel quite committed .
9 Indeed , I always had a sneaking admiration for him and I think he liked me for , as you know , it takes one rogue to recognise another .
10 And it concerned him an awful lot and it it it irritated him and frustrated him and I think he set his sights on trying to do something about it in his his way .
11 It all went according to plan for her and I think he expected the same for me .
12 ‘ Sex is important to everybody but I think it 's been blown up into a thing that you must have and do . ’
13 not having an arch , I thought about it and I thought I do n't think it 'll in here .
14 Keith was with him through all of it and I think it made them very close , ’ adds Rigby .
15 So er when schemes by the good service of actuaries can be re-written in such extreme terms I begin to worry about it and I think it needs an input for more than one direction on the actuarial fund in our case the trustees saw fit not to use actuaries to get away
16 I 'm sad to say it but I think we 've seen the last of him , Bless him !
17 ‘ I dislike admitting it but I think I have changed my tune . ’
18 I 've never done it but I think you do have to send that in .
19 you know the priority was either P H I , savings or whatever and I thought we 've gone through the whole form
20 And they spoke for themselves and I think they promoted us well .
21 Erm I wo n't really comment on in any detail on on the forty one thousand figure because it 's ours and I think we put sufficient justification in for it .
22 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
23 ‘ He was recommended to us and I think he did n't have a club at the time .
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