Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] a [noun] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
2 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
3 We could say well there 's our it 's a half for you and a half for you and we cut the other one and they get a half each .
4 ‘ Well , ’ the other said , ‘ they always used to say , if you 've got an infestation ahead of you and an infestation behind you , always go for the infestation to your side . ’
5 There are a number of strategies at your disposal and you can use one or a mixture of them to help you over an unexpected hurdle .
6 Transgressive reinscription : a turning back upon something and a perverting of it typically it not exclusively through inversion and displacement .
7 These poor people have done no harm to anybody and a lot of them will have fought wars for a lot of these same people who are now deciding to put them out of their homes in the twilight of their lives .
8 Hard to explain the conflict in our acquaintance , but perhaps I had an instinctive feeling that she , in fact , wanted me to go to bed with her , and she knew I would n't — because if I did make love to her , it would be a victory for her and a defeat for me .
9 The hour may come within weeks , within days , to-morrow ; and then , before I take the field with the fate of Wales in my hands , I have a need of her and a use for her here ; and then I shall be loosed from this dumbness that binds my tongue , and I shall be able to say to her what needs to be said , and what as yet I can not say .
10 ‘ She used to make them run round getting things for her not my father ; he used to make her get things for him but a lot of them would run up and get her cardigan for her . ’
11 Once a trustee is appointed , he or an employee of his or another authorised insolvency practitioner chairs meetings .
12 I would n't have minded if I 'd had a bump on my head , a cross on it or a bullet through it .
13 it or a formula in it .
14 But a loveable man with it and a smile on him to the last .
15 Oh yes , it was a leather er erm a piece of leather with three tongs on it and a handle to it , and er you used to have this strap on your hand .
16 I 'm going to make him a card with Happy Father 's Day on it and a star on it .
17 Some of them made it and a lot of them did n't , and the agencies , particularly the photo agencies , exploited these people mercilessly .
18 Well I reckon it 's gon na take us three and a half hours to get to the other end , so two and a half hours to it and an hour on it if it 's not too bad and then of course we 've got to go up from there to Ipswich , Woodbridge but it 's dual carriageway all the way now you see .
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