Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [art] [noun] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 With the change from a nomadic and food-gathering to an agricultural and more highly organized form of society , man 's anxiety about himself and the animals that he hunted merged into a wider anxiety about nature .
2 Certainly give them , yeah and I said Joan will tell you not only does her but the table that he sits on and the wall around it ,
3 I did not know then that my work would destroy me and the people that I loved .
4 Everybody has read about out of body experiences and I do n't know if that is what it was , but I was not frightened by the person who was looking at me and the image that I had and that I still have in my mind is that it looked like me
5 Everybody has read about out of body experiences and I do n't know if that is what it was , but I was not frightened by the person who was looking at me and the image that I had and that I still have in my mind is that it looked like me .
6 The buyer naturally has the opposite concern and , in the absence of a formal back to back contract , when one is dealing with standard conditions of purchase the best that can be accomplished is to incorporate a provision like cl 1.3 of Precedent 2 , which notifies the seller of the possibility of prime contracts , and attempts to impose their terms upon the seller , coupled with an opportunity for the seller to examine them and a warning that they will apply , even if not examined .
7 Many of your listeners will know the Malvern Hills , and had resort to them And the fact that they can come and enjoy them today is through the dedication of board members over a hundred and ten years . ’
8 Oh I 'm sure it would mean an awful lot to them and the fact that you 're so successful coming out of Ireland would mean a lot to them as well you know and er er it 's nice to be able to er you know to do that for them if they 've been over here living for you know some of them have never been back maybe and some of them have never seen Ireland because maybe their their parents or their grandparents came from there .
9 What I 'd like you to do just for the last ten minutes is to think of a member of staff you have who has a training need and think about how you will go about training them and the methods that you will use .
10 Its honours for impresarios and maverick businessmen — what The Times called examples of ‘ unrepentant Darwinism , of the business survival of the fittest and of nature red in tooth and claw ’ — so appalled them and the Palace that it took several weeks for approval to be obtained .
11 He says it 's so long since he saw you and the girls that he wo n't know you .
12 You were n't of afraid of me but the accent that I had at that time .
13 Howard would surely not have objected to either , although the idea of a department of corrections would have been very strange to him and the idea that it could act as a system to feed and clothe itself would presumably have seemed a desirable but unreal and irrelevant objective .
14 In one bitter-sweet passage he said : ‘ I wish the Prime Minister well and hope his changes will produce whatever advantage for him and the Government that he intended . ’
15 I can not give the hon. Gentleman the assurance that he seeks that I will agree with everything that the Edwards committee has recommended , but I can certainly assure him and the House that I will respond positively to the recommendations .
16 He was instantly taken by the oozy Frenchness of her and the fact that she looked so much like himself .
17 Associated reasons for her death were the severe injuries to her nose and mouth , which was broken and swollen , the multiple attempts that had taken place to strangle her and the fact that she also had a large quantity of alcohol in her body about six times the legal level for drivers .
18 You know that , ’ she replied , and discovered that Travis , more interested in his love-life than hers , wanted to talk about Rosemary and how much he missed seeing her and the fact that he had been so lonesome for her that he 'd phoned her flat several times yesterday evening and , receiving no reply , had realised she must still be at her parents ' home .
19 It was not the smell which deterred her but the fact that there were two girls present : one sat on a table swinging her legs , while the other stood by a sink .
20 in effect what you 're doing is helping us out with the cost that we incurred in getting it and the help that we 've done you .
21 Wind , rain , chemical erosion gradually wear into it and the stone that they used for some of the repair of the cathedral in the years gone by has n't worn as well as we would have hoped .
22 erm , it 's how confident you are in yourself and the way that you actually put your point across .
23 Let them go out and show us and the world that we are right ’ .
24 He appealed to Arab leaders to " show us and the world that you accept Israel 's existence " , to end the " poisonous preachings against Israel " which were evident in their countries , and to " renounce your jihad [ holy war ] against Israel " .
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