Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [art] [noun] [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 These were widely ( though never universally ) held to be demonstrable by appeal either to direct awareness or intuition , or , more often , by indirect argument starting off from ordinary human experience of ourselves and the world around us .
2 It tells us what we need to know in order to understand ourselves and the world around us :
3 Yet ’ — her voice became serious — ‘ I would n't want it to end anywhere else but here ’ — she now looked about her — ‘ with the hills behind me and the river at me feet , so to speak . ’
4 Well a at the start of the strike , my wife was just a little bit narked that I was out of work , but after a while when she fully understood the reasons , I think , I 'd like to think that she was a hundred per cent behind me and the rest of us .
5 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
6 Perhaps I 'm missing something , but I do n't see how swapping a huge Tory majority for a small one is a triumph for them and a disaster for us — a relief for them and a disappointment for us , perhaps .
7 Rather it is a spiritual ( as well as physical ) unity which simply is what it is , and in which human beings exist as what they are , without itself having a point beyond itself or the things within it having a point beyond themselves .
8 We could say well there 's our it 's a half for you and a half for you and we cut the other one and they get a half each .
9 ‘ Well , ’ the other said , ‘ they always used to say , if you 've got an infestation ahead of you and an infestation behind you , always go for the infestation to your side . ’
10 So what 's the difference now between you and the rest of them ? ’
11 The declared results remind us more readily of the spoiled world of Genesis 3 than those of Genesis 1 or 2 : ‘ The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth , and upon every bird of the air , upon everything that creeps on the ground , and all fish of the sea ’ ( 9.2 ) .
12 Or you and the TARDIS between you , somehow .
13 ‘ Ill not involve you and the Rodets with him again , ’ he promised .
14 It follows that whatever conclusions we may reach about the content of the school curriculum , and however varied and flexible the curriculum itself and the examination of it may be , the curriculum should be essentially designed for comprehensive schools .
15 The debt to Picasso is immediately obvious ; the large canvas , the scale of the figure itself and the distortions within it , the muted pinks , buffs and greys ( which if they do not closely resemble those of the Demoiselles are surely a response to them ) , the treatment of the background in terms of large angular planes — all these features are new in the work of Braque .
16 The original conception of ‘ the return of Mrs. Porter ’ would be pointless , or at least only a prolongation of horror , since life itself and the regeneration of it are seen , at bottom , as hideous .
17 Rules 6.172 to 6:177 set out the procedure for the application for a public examination , requisitioning the official receiver to apply for such an examination , at the hearing itself and the expenses of it .
18 There are a number of strategies at your disposal and you can use one or a mixture of them to help you over an unexpected hurdle .
19 Transgressive reinscription : a turning back upon something and a perverting of it typically it not exclusively through inversion and displacement .
20 At a minimum it would seem reasonable to return to the stark simplicity of the RSPCA 150 years ago and agree not to inflict pain on my fellow creatures because pain helps no one and the infliction of it brutalises me .
21 The field is a specialised one and the study of it is still producing refinements of previous discoveries .
22 These poor people have done no harm to anybody and a lot of them will have fought wars for a lot of these same people who are now deciding to put them out of their homes in the twilight of their lives .
23 A witticism which convulsed herself and the recipients of it .
24 He wondered why Pinkie mentioned Laura , then realised with sinking heart that she was no longer keeping her discontent to herself and the echo of it must have travelled for some distance .
25 In May 1940 , the RCM general secretary wrote to the Chief Rabbi , pointing out ‘ that our Regional Committees are autonomous and neither they nor the committees under them like interference in the arrangements they make for religious instruction ’ .
26 He asked us if we were all well and healthy ; three of the Frenchmen started talking to him and the rest of us giggled and joked in English about this ridiculous figure who appeared to be out of touch with everything we were doing .
27 And the scent of him and the taste of him were making her giddy .
28 Hard to explain the conflict in our acquaintance , but perhaps I had an instinctive feeling that she , in fact , wanted me to go to bed with her , and she knew I would n't — because if I did make love to her , it would be a victory for her and a defeat for me .
29 The hour may come within weeks , within days , to-morrow ; and then , before I take the field with the fate of Wales in my hands , I have a need of her and a use for her here ; and then I shall be loosed from this dumbness that binds my tongue , and I shall be able to say to her what needs to be said , and what as yet I can not say .
30 ‘ She used to make them run round getting things for her not my father ; he used to make her get things for him but a lot of them would run up and get her cardigan for her . ’
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