Example sentences of "[pron] [subord] [pron] have a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Oh I have a , have a cigar when I when I have a pint .
2 I say did n't you tell me once you had an aunt in Wimbledon ? ’
3 Rab wished he had a phone : he 'd phone himself if he had a phone .
4 At the inquest they said he probably had n't intended to kill himself because he had a return ticket in his pocket .
5 I do n't think I know anyone who has made a fortune from their knitting machine , but then they are not likely to tell me if they have a yacht in the Mediterranean and a villa in the south of France , are they ?
6 I flew the Corsair down to Stansted and after landing the chap in charge of fuel allocations asked me if I had a cheque card .
7 They often asked me if I had a baby in my tummy because they saw no evidence of my menstruation …
8 ‘ You 'll forgive me if I have a cup of tea before reading the register , Nurses ? ’
9 ‘ You can stop me if you 've a mind to . ’
10 If you have a pre he 's actually said to me if you have a problem I will listen and I will help you , so there 's me going to him and saying look due to a misunderstanding I have a problem and this one saying tough
11 But erm , and you could always refer to it in your dialogue with them if you had a claim to make , er that they were only paying the district rate .
12 You can , too , win a straight argument with them if you have a sound case .
13 I said , Well I take them cos I have a lot , I used to have an awful lot of pain every month , I did , and it i this used to prevent the pain .
14 But he could provide Rose with nothing until he had a job .
15 Because ’ — his speech slurred a fraction — ‘ I 'm going to tell you a story I heard the other day which I could n't possibly tell you if you had a lady Archdeacon . ’
16 did erm , did he ask you if you had a roof rack ?
17 Erm now the periodic table , we 've looked at that before and it 's the if you knew the periodic table and where everyone fitted in , every all the elements fitted in or you if you had a copy , you could very intelligent guesses .
18 It 's got enough room as well to put all the bits and pieces , mind you if you had a house like that you could afford to have someone to look after all the goats and the hens .
19 Any excessive slant will tell you if you have a tendency to overpronate ( inward lean ) or oversupinate ( outward lean ) .
20 But anyhow have you if you have a look here there 's erm er the er er I think we ought to be thinking about er
21 ‘ Aids ’ to living are gadgets or equipment which may help you if you have a problem in managing certain tasks .
22 The good thing about cruises is that you always have the ship 's staff to help you if you have a problem and there are always guided tours laid on at every port of call .
23 Er , the secretary gets out of her chair , and she while I have a look , and you can hear annual negotiation , and er , and the golden rule for negotiating was er looking at your list up there , and he was a boss , he was also working as a colleague , he was even a friend .
24 A solicitor will tell you whether you have a case and what your chances of succeeding in any claim might be ; he or she will advise you where — Court or Tribunal — and will explain the procedure and steps to be taken throughout , and will represent you in negotiations with your employer if you wish .
25 She readily admits that she did so deliberately : ‘ I do n't think I ever really believed he would stay with me unless we had a child .
26 I think we have to have something if we have a stall .
27 What he describes is a series of patrilineal descent groups , each person necessarily belonging to one because he has a father ; and necessarily belonging to only one because he has only one father .
28 The patient , whom I shall call Maxine , first came to see me because she had a phobia about water — a phobia which was becoming so exaggerated that she could not even bear to put her hands in water and had to rely on creams and lotions to cleanse her face and body .
29 Yeah , but I meant leave them while she has a lot of sleepless nights .
30 But I feel that I am now in the way of bringing him to me since I have a house and am no longer in service and need only to arrange to have him brought over .
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