Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] that be the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Yes I mean that 's the first thing you have to say , you have to think when you look at you keep , anybody who does the whispering
2 But I mean that 's the last thing I wan na do but
3 Now I say that was the first Neighbourhood Watch , it was actually the first police recognized Neighbourhood Watch .
4 ‘ And I suppose that was the first you knew of my taking over the part ? ’
5 I bet that was the first thing to go into the fire .
6 I think that 's the first cup I 've had this morning .
7 I think that 's I think that 's the first sensible thing they 've done .
8 I think that 's the first part and I think it 's ready to go on there , erm
9 Now of course it may be that the child has caught a worry about schooling from the parent , but I think that 's the first thing to sort out — is this really a problem in the child , or is it a problem in the parent 's mind ?
10 Now of course it may be that the child has caught a worry about schooling from the parent , but I think that 's the first thing to sort out — is this really a problem in the child , or is it a problem in the parent 's mind ?
11 ‘ Eldorado was pulled forward and rushed and I think that 's the last thing you should do with a soap .
12 I think that was the first time I uttered the words , ‘ Never mind .
13 When we were in school they were saying ‘ you can be anything you f—ing wan na be ’ , and I think that was the first generation of women that ever heard that , except for thousands of years ago .
14 I think that was the first time that a chill hit Mala too , for she seemed to grow a little pale .
15 Not another two years , I think that was the first of January ninety five , it 's actually one year , and it 's not a question of doing nothing about it .
16 I think that was the first person who said and I was n't aware that anyone else felt it
17 I think that was the last time I had a proper ride on a bike .
18 Now you say that 's the second stage , is there a third stage that 's , that 's er , puts more joy on the horizon ?
19 A few days later the father told a project worker , ‘ You know that was the first time I felt I had something to offer to the school . ’
20 Well no not really because erm it , it was a private company as you can understand er , I can I ca n't really explain it everyone seemed to be pulling together you know that was the last thing you thought of , fifth columnists , things like that although it was they used to er , every now and again they used to send government national service officers round to look at the personnel and the structure of the working and if they thought anybody was superfluous to requirements they 'd get the papers soon after to go into the army or the services yeah , yeah , that is true and that happened , used to happen in factories all round the area , it was called the Essential Works Order .
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