Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] of [pers pn] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Erm I think that those are erm er disadvantages with which any er possible location in Harrogate er District would start and I do n't think the assessment in Mr 's paper er accurately reflects either the criterion in the structure plan er in terms of assimilation , or indeed the nature of the landscape erm and what I know of it in the Harrogate District .
2 However , when I think of him at the Departments of the Environment and of Education and Science , I realise that it probably was his finest hour .
3 I think of him as the big brother I never had . ’
4 I think of them as the sea-bird equivalent of a peregrine or other member of the falcon family .
5 I think of you in the middle of all that black water , and I wish that you could be here with me .
6 No he 's always , Fred , thou you think of him as the policeman do n't you that John Thaw .
7 Frightening , really , when you think of her on the goggle-box , laying down the law . ’
8 It 's a word you are unlikely to find in the dictionary but , if you think of it as the opposite to ‘ extrude ’ , meaning to thrust or push out , then the term becomes more understandable .
9 Erm so whether you think of it as the point is now whizzing round infinitely quickly , or it just stopped ,
10 No , if you think of it from the users point of view , not necessarily .
11 Any major phases or colonisation are as likely to have taken place in the seventh , eighth or ninth centuries , as Peter Sawyer has suggested , and therefore to be undocumented , as they are to have happened in the thirteenth century , when we hear of them for the first time from surviving records .
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