Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] do [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I do n't want to go to the bank but what I want to do is to go to erm
2 All I want to do is go through a few aspects of your statement , to make sure I 've got them right . ’
3 ‘ Now what I want to do is go through the blocking today , so that Micky and George can start to feel the shape of the production .
4 I 'm getting paranoid about that , determined not to sign anything , worried that maybe I already have when they first brought me here and said it was just a receipt for personal effects or a legal-aid application or whatever , and I worry about them getting me to sign something when I 'm tired and they 've been interviewing me in shifts and all I want to do is go to bed and sleep and they say oh do us all a favour and sign this and you can sleep , come on now ; it 's just a formality you can always deny it later , change your mind , but you ca n't you ca n't of course , they 're lying and you ca n't ; I even worry about signing something in my sleep , or them hypnotising me and getting me to do it that way ; hell , I do n't know what they get up to .
5 ‘ All I want to do is get to the bottom of this , ’ she assured me as we entered her office .
6 What I want to do is concentrate on the modern sex theory and then er explain that and then relate it to Freud .
7 and what I want to do is to look at it er over that particular period so I can explain everything to you in full because there are benefits to you in terms of tax savings
8 Now what I want to do is look at what was happening at that time and then try and explain using the determinants of demand what the patterns actually were .
9 My friends all seem to be organised but all I seem to do is scream at the children and be in a muddle .
10 What I need to do is to go through them with you and make sure you fully understand what they what their origins are etcetera because isomers we base the questions are very very common so I 'll be able to talk about marks .
11 So what I have done is arrange for our normal trade discount ( 33.3% ) to be applied , and for a cheque for £35.80 to be sent to you .
12 All I have to do is think of the most unpleasant thing possible . ’
13 ‘ All I have to do is get through the trials , ’ he says with ironic humour .
14 All I have to do is to think about it .
15 All I have to do is to get through the skin of stones and then I shall be in soft earth ( I imagine ) .
16 If your car breaks down or you need to get a taxi home late at night , the last thing you want to do is wander round looking for a phone box .
17 All you want to do is sit at home and watch TV .
18 But if all you want to do is sit in the gardens or laze by the pool , they will allow it !
19 What you want to do is ring up the Sunday Times and get a reporter round and he 'll get a scandal story and they 'll do something
20 But it 's very difficult to say to people , ‘ Go back into your offices and rock your handset ’ , because it 's the last thing on your mind , especially after a boring afternoon like this , all you want to do is get in there , do as little as possible and go home !
21 Now all you have to do is think of number five for me , cos you just say the number .
22 All you have to do is to go with the flow of events , letting each scene add to what has gone before .
23 All you have to do is throw in your lot with me .
24 All you have to do is match up the inventor to the invention .
25 ‘ We only meet about three times a term , ’ one drastically lean lady was telling him ; ‘ and the dates are always fixed well in advance so all you have to do is arrange to be free on that evening . ’
26 With the diameter of the sphere measured all you have to do is return to your school days to do a bit of geometry involving pi ( πD ) , which will give you the circumference .
27 It is my little pet theory about religious poetry that the greatest religious poetry is an act of renunciation and therefore what you have to do is put in what you 're giving away .
28 All you have to do is look for your own number er if you if you have hopefully you 've kept a record of the assignments where you 've earned bonus and you can claim it as soon as that number is published .
29 And then if you want to find out the reason for the tension or how to stop it , what you have to do is look at the interests of those concerned .
30 What you have to do is look at your T G and close your eyes .
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