Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Browning , who looks weak and I believe has hardly moved from her room all winter , though she has ventured on a carriage trip or two since spring arrived , is excited by the promise Cavour has made to bring some statesmanship into this affair and hopes much from him .
2 Erm , in fact Ted Hughes I think has largely lived in the countryside so it is quite likely that his house in which he sets this poem is in the countryside .
3 This commitment , and the overall pacifist , pro-feminist , libertarian , green and non-exploitative ethos we espouse has generally led to our expressed opinions on the Pembroke Ranges issue being greeted with scepticism and distrust by the climbing establishment .
4 It is no wonder that the judges in Star Chamber condemned ‘ so foul matters as we think have seldom appeared in any man ’ .
5 So we know from previous studies that these ones when they die have n't gone to heaven
6 But , with the exception of image processing systems ( see p 62 ) , computers and the documents they generate have only added to the printed matter which covers most desks : even today 95% of business information is paper-based , and every year millions of working hours are wasted just searching for information .
7 Many biochemically oriented biologists , and especially molecular biologists , tend to feel unhappy about any such need ; the phenomena they study have often tended to be all-or-none , or at least so large that differences between experimental treatments or conditions produce apparently unequivocal results .
8 Their model is contemporary western democracy , something that most of them admit has never existed in its modern form in eastern Europe .
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