Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [subord] i [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I mean once I 've cleared up , you know , when she 's gone and and do n't mind seeing
2 Well okay , I need to say that when it 's long reports I have no problem , I mean since I 've lost Doreen and come under Tracey the quality and speed that I get typing back is much improved .
3 Erm e e they 're all individual and mine I think , looking back , was erm erm er a light er experience and I mean as I 've said , the the erm er w this telescope they shove up you , er I mean , Chris Patton had the same thing .
4 I mean if I 'd had the money
5 unfortun unfortunately I mean if I 'd left it where it was erm would have , it would have been better .
6 Not that I do it , I mean if I tried to read all that stuff , I 'd never leave home but I mean they actually give a a an advice list which we can then comply with .
7 I would n't wan na do it tomorrow , well only later afternoon but I mean if I have to put ear plugs in at night to get some sleep because of them , surely the authorities have got ta say something about that
8 As you say three thousand pound a year that could be paid off a place of our own is is just I mean if I have to rent it well I 'll have to rent one .
9 I mean if I start doing that
10 But I mean when I went going towards they were screening it you know , seeing it .
11 Well , like I say if I want to bring my family , I 've got to pay five pound which
12 I simply ask you to listen , and not to judge what I say until I have finished . ’
13 I am clear in my mind about racing — I race because I want to race and not to please the Spanish people .
14 ‘ And I apologise if I 've interrupted your work . ’
15 I look like I 've got it made , do n't I ? ’
16 People have told me on the phone that I sound cos I 've got a deep voice I
17 There are , and I know because I 've seen both sets of prejudices , prejudices from both sides .
18 I know because I 've tried it as well , and I would say it was a large contributing factor to a breakdown of understanding , because at this point I was watching the deterioration of the relationship between Tony DeFries and David .
19 I know because I have heard her .
20 I know because I have spent almost four years pontificating about safety and car accidents .
21 I know if I 've got something wrong .
22 I know , I know if I 've got a towel in mine or a big thing and , and it 's all happens to be on one side
23 I know if I happen to find a bunch that 's been thrown out 'cause it 's past its best , I can likely get a threepenny piece for it at the railway station .
24 John came down to Barking , he was n't a General Secretary he was just an officer , and I remember cos I 've got a good memory John what you said to me .
25 I reckon if I had had a flat and everything I could have given it a try .
26 If reference to Parliamentary material is permitted as an aid to the construction of legislation which is ambiguous , or obscure or the literal meaning of which leads to an absurdity , I believe as I have said that in practically every case it will be incumbent on those preparing the argument to examine the whole proceedings on the Bill in question in both Houses of Parliament .
27 I suppose if I had gone to school , my life would be completely changed .
28 I suppose if I had to make the choice , I would sacrifice skiing for the sake of the hills .
29 It was the sort of thing I 'd have done I suppose if I 'd had the chance .
30 Er I suppose as I 've indicated , according to one study in 1978 , twenty five percent of abuse ind involved one incident erm however some abuse was very much more long term , if you can imagine twenty five percent involved one incident but the average duration of abuse was three years .
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