Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [vb pp] a [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And Ipswich team manager Mick McGiven , Monkou 's former coach at Stamford Bridge , said : ‘ I do n't think I 've seen a better marking job on Chris . ’
2 No , I 've had a better idea !
3 I 've got a better idea . "
4 ‘ We could manage without it , but — No , I 've got a better idea .
5 I 've got a better idea , ’ Sam said , leaning forward .
6 Well , I 've got a better idea .
7 I know wait a minute , wait a minute , I 've got a better idea .
8 I 've got a better job . ’
9 Oh yes I 've got a further list down here .
10 ‘ Each year I have noticed a higher standard of living ’ , the bishop wrote in his eulogy of this ‘ brave man ’ , whose ‘ exceedingly generous ’ treatment of the churches in Romania was something of which ‘ we in Britain might well be envious ’ .
11 IT 'S a long time since I have seen a finer performance than Tom Courtenay is giving at the Traverse .
12 ‘ Mary , dear , one night when I have made a better meal than I did tonight , I plan to go a little berserk , too , in order to have your solace . ’
13 I also used one of your photos of the Pembrokeshire coast in our new recruitment leaflet , for which I have added a further £25 .
14 I have added a further £25 because I have appreciated holding on to the material for so long .
15 For all that I have learned a greater variety of games , there are fewer I can tolerate .
16 But I I 'm wearing them all a little bit longer , except in the the winter cos I ca n't ca n't alter my coat I have got a longer summer coat to wear but the the one I had last year erm all the skirt showed beneath , I could n't walk about like that .
17 So you 've covered a bigger region in the past , not just Stortford .
18 So you 've found a better job ? ’
19 ‘ If you 've got a better idea , why do n't you say so ? ’
20 If they show you a picture , you 've got a better chance .
21 Obviously you 've got a better eye tha than I have , but er
22 I in , in the north you 've got a higher proportion of owner-occupiers and
23 If you 've got a bigger surgery which may break into that third week
24 You 've got a bigger problem than I have , though — you ca n't leave here but I can .
25 Even if you 've got a darker complexion , or tan easily , you still need to be careful in the sun .
26 And th it 's a it 's a it 's a strange situation but if you 've got a smaller estate you 'll get away with it , and if you 've a larger one you 've got to tell them about it .
27 For this purpose a test may be used to discriminate those pupils who have attained a higher level from those at a lower level .
28 By contrast , you have painted a gloomier picture of British themes , its politicians , its sense of justice , its failure to resolve the Irish issue .
29 If you have got a younger brother or sister , you have probably heard that before now .
30 We were this time last year , and we ve got a better squad this time around ( and indeed than that which won the league ) .
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