Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pers pn] [is] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I mean it 's just bog standard bearings now .
2 Now , what I 'd like to do , I mean it 's only sun shining out there so you 'd only be wasting your time anyway , I 'd like to consult you about moving on and getting in the next four motions on union organization .
3 If he 's going to be miserable I mean it 's only nursery it does n't really matter .
4 That 's why I 'm glad that WISE thing , I mean it 's about time they bloody realized — I 'm convinced that once a woman gets into science she 's just as good as if not better than , any man .
5 it 's an awful day but I mean it 's still money at the end of the road
6 Saying cash I mean it 's still cash in n it ?
7 And I mean she 's so sort of closed about everything really , I mean he 's not the sort of you know
8 Erm I stress it is just speculation but what do you think ?
9 Interviewed on BBC Radio Four 's Today programme , Swales said : ‘ I would love to keep going , but I realise it is probably time for someone else to have a go .
10 I expect it 's just coincidence .
11 Yeah fine erm but as I say it 's just sort of you know kind of minor layout changes , that 's all I was suggesting
12 I know it 's just distortion , but it sounds like it was definitely done on one of these !
13 I 'll soon be eight … well , not till December and I know it 's only summer , but I 'll be eight in December , wo n't I ? ’
14 But er , you know , I mean , I know it 's only practice and you know how far you got ta be in front of the other whatever !
15 ‘ Anyway , I 've been so lucky in life I reckon it 's about time I started giving something back — and the club 's the perfect place to do it . ’
16 It is too easy to dwell on the environmental down-side of the industry and I believe it is about time we brought home to people the improvements we bring to their life-style .
17 I 'll try to spare you that , but I guess it 's about time I came clean and admitted it 's by no means a one-man show .
18 ‘ I do n't know much about swimming , ’ he said , ‘ but I suppose it 's mainly supervision , and getting the boys to the right races . ’
19 I suppose it 's all East if you go that far West .
20 I suppose it 's really proof of what er the approach that North Yorkshire County Council is taking on this issue because nothing is is as simple a as it seems .
21 I feel it is now time to put these arrangements on a slightly more formal basis , in particular because we might thus be eligible to affiliate to SCP , and get a start-up grant from them , and possibly from other bodies , to equip ourselves with tools .
22 I would like to share with you a burden for prayer as I feel it is only right that all Christians should know about anything that would deny us total freedom .
23 Yeah I mean I 'm not , I 'm not saying you 're a bad influence on her now , I think she 's just sort of jumping in at the chance for someone to victimize personally .
24 Well , I think he 's just security .
25 But I think he 's also part of the problem .
26 And the others could have almost anything , but I think it 's mostly cereal .
27 I think it 's also entertainment the excellent wage of services placed on by Harlow Council .
28 I think it 's also part that you know , you 're walking along the street and you bump into somebody and they 'll say , well how you doing today ?
29 I think it 's rather dandy he 's finished off , he 's put this white erm stuff you know what they squeeze from now .
30 I think it 's really kind of crap . ’
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