Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [that] [pers pn] [be] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I realise that it is my ability to change do get do not get any separately items will affect the rights of the third party .
2 I do n't know , I imagine that it 's something tha they 're construct some work of art they
3 I know that they 're they 're
4 There is no way that we can change those without the agreement of all the other members of the community er but I know that it 's something that er my colleagues at the foreign office are extremely concerned with .
5 I understand that it was you who found your brother 's body ? ’
6 I understand that you are her executor . ’
7 ‘ Of course there are remarkable thinkers who emerge in times of crisis , I believe that you are one .
8 There 's so much in what Chris has said is there not , that we , I 'm so pleased that your address is going to be published because I feel that it 's something we shall want to have and to take back to our organisations .
9 I feel that it 's my job to do what a lot of film-makers in the 80s did , which is to tell you , ‘ do n't worry , be happy . ’
10 I doubt that it is his real name . ’
11 I , I agree that it is something that we must make sure that we arrange in future because people do get nervous about the cars out there unattended and er
12 But since I agree that it is your duty to enquire as to the welfare of your wedded lord , and as … ’
13 And I think that it is it would be a mistake to look at in terms of a certain set
14 ‘ You see , I think that you are what 's called a borderline personality , with pronounced schizoid tendencies .
15 I pray that it is you reading this , my darling .
16 And you say that it 's it 's since he 's co it 's the since he 's come
17 I 'll give you a dish , yeah I know , I know you 're not to open them but I 'm just making sure that you know that they 're yours , now do you want a dish or not ?
18 It 's quite a while now since I 've bored you with a few observations about our friends the dumb animals who share their lives with us on the planet and the more you observe them the more convinced you become that they 're anything but dumb .
19 We can only guess at Allan Lamb 's motives for his article in the Daily Mirror , but we hope that they are nothing so base as money or even worse our nationality .
20 I have n't done precise cal computation of interest , but , erm the rough one indicate that it is something in the region of five thousand , two hundred but I quite agree with his Lordship 's figure of five , two , O , seven , total one is one , two , one , six , three , four , O
21 If we examine the theory of the origins of human society and personality put forward by Freud in Totem and Taboo we find that it is what might be termed a monotraumatic theory .
22 We believe that it is our duty to provide time , money and journalists for investigations of policy , people or institutions on behalf of the public .
23 We 've just conducted a very primary review , and we found that the interest and the demand for these seminars has been pretty constant since at least the early seventies , therefore we feel that we are we seem to be fulfilling a need of Third World governments and agencies .
24 We claim that it is our right , and yet , so often , in so many little things , our free will is guided not by our relationship with our inner friend , but by our selfish , greedy nature .
25 Senior administrators are not above attempting to influence the shape of policy , but once the policy has been made they accept that it is their responsibility to bring about its implementation .
26 In some way they do n't quite articulate , they feel that he 's what they would call unreliable . ’
27 Those who care for ‘ ordinary ’ old people learn much about the courage and competence which so many display ; they discover that it is their ordinariness which is remarkable — their determination to carry on with the daily business of life , often in the face of considerable difficulties .
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