Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [art] [noun sg] [conj] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 I regret the delay that has already occurred and shall watch with great interest the manner in which the Labour party mobilises its forces to support that measure .
2 Although I regret the reorganization that has brought about so many redundancies , I do feel it is necessary in the light of quality control .
3 No no er erm well er there is Prunus that 's a plum I mean a cherry that grows up and various ones like that the only trouble is with these type of things they can be more of a nuisance than the trees that you do have now because those trees growing up those spindly ones as you put it erm some gardeners call them or whatever name they use I but the trouble is bits die in the centre of those and they tend to drop down and they can be in time more far more of a nuisance than the trees they 've got now which seems to me quite suitable .
4 By medium thickness , I mean a yarn that knits stocking stitch at tension four to six on your machine .
5 I mean the question that has to be faced is that when you talk about cutting the costs in local government you also have to talk about the services which councils deliver , and you ca n't get something for nothing .
6 I hate the system that forces them to do it for a living and then screws them afterwards . ’
7 ‘ I have never enjoyed the business totally — I hate the artificiality that surrounds it . ’
8 I rewrote the sentence as follows : ‘ Use Standard English ( except in contexts where non-standard forms are needed for literary purposes , e.g. in dialogue , in a story or a play-script . ) ’
9 erm , I want a bit that 's not got too much fat on it do n't you ?
10 But I want an explanation that makes sense . ’
11 I sense the drum that beats beneath the roots
12 I welcome the space that has been created to discuss our sexual pleasures and problems , yet I feel that certain gaps remain .
13 ‘ Like many others , I welcome the concession that has been made to leave out the airline staff and the railway employees and all the others that are left out by the dropping of clause 54(4) .
14 I welcome the commitment that has been shown by the head of the governing body , but I can not give any hint of the decision that I will be taking by the end of February .
15 I mistrust a literature that finds suicide more significant than death , and a man 's inability to communicate more sorry than the frenzy of his need to .
16 I appreciate the sentiment that lies behind my hon. Friend 's question .
17 Do n't know I would think that it 's , she told me twenty five pounds so I thought it was gon na be like cash or something and then I read the thing that says twenty five pound voucher but it did n't say what for , it just says voucher knowing my luck it 'll be book tokens !
18 One of my bigger irritations is when I have an enormously tight schedule taking me all over the country and I get calls — sometimes on my mobile phone when I 'm stuck in the middle of a field somewhere — insisting that it 's vitally important I attend a meeting that has just been scheduled for three o'clock that afternoon in London , which could easily have been planned at least two weeks earlier .
19 Erm , I know a clown that juggles
20 'Cause I like a statue that bleeds ;
21 I mean I get the impression that likes working for and myself and she likes her own sphere of influence right which is fair enough as far as it goes
22 I understand the concern that has been expressed in the House and in the country about this .
23 I find the path that leads under the green boughs into its depths .
24 In trying to remember my Father I suppose the image that comes most vividly to mind is that of a tall , large-boned man with balding grey hair , a rather beautifully-shaped nose and kind but sad grey eyes .
25 I approach the matter as follows .
26 I turn the cuphook that holds the door closed …
27 I keep a journal that seems to be turning into a sort of year-book of the area , a little account of the way the seasons turn .
28 I think a point that comes over very much is the one about the structure and when I talk to people and listen to what they say , they 're still in the very traditional
29 I think the plan that goes to the police thank you needs to show the i interview sites on it .
30 I think the bit that stands up above the horizon is fine , I mean I think that gives you a good idea of what it would have been like had you been able to get the whole , or not perhaps the whole of it , but a lot more of the post up above the horizon simply by getting down lower .
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