Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [prep] [pron] [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Very interesting to have a review from you of the O D A's work , both with regard to central and Eastern Europe and the developing world and I 'm sure I speak for everybody in saying we are delighted minister that you spent the third part of your , your speech looking at the U N convention on the rights of the child which as you rightly say , is very close to the heart of Save The Children .
2 On behalf of the Opposition , I join with him in extending sympathy to the families whose lives were shattered last Friday by the IRA 's vicious murder campaign .
3 ‘ If you look at something like raising a purchase order , what it tends to involve is combining bits of paper from different departments and only at the very end is a computer entry made — which is not a massive improvement on all-paper systems , ’ said .
4 Yeah mhm yeah I mean you may want to select some stuff that 's y'know that represents different kinds of things because as I remember our conversations earlier , you were interested in er y'know sort of ideological soundness , political correctness and y'know were some things funny but sort of off-colour for other reasons erm er I 'm paraphrasing it badly but er y'know I think that th s so you might want to get some stuff that 's sort of ideologically sound and humorous and er some stuff that 's a bit off-colour and humorous and some stuff that 's erm sort of I do n't know some stuff that 's main stream but has got a lot of y'know if you look at something like say The Two Ronnies or something , there 's a lot of there 's a lot of racism and sexism in there but it 's because it 's sort of main stream because it 's family viewing and stuff like that people tend not to think of it as problematic .
5 I 'm sure she wants you to extend the same warmth to her that you extend to me by using my first name . ’
6 And now when it comes in a miracle , you wonder at me for looking twice , thrice , four times , to see if it comes through ivory or horn .
7 Of course , this is something that private schools already do , but it is interesting that , even in the public sector , some ‘ magnet ’ schools , upset by their relatively poor performance in examination results , are asking if they ca n't exclude children who come to them on placing requests from deprived areas .
8 Perhaps today the general public take too much for granted , the , as a local Councillor I have to interview many people who come to me with housing problems , to be as patient as one can is essential as a politician , but after the complainant has gone , one is very conscious of the fact that their problem is so minute it is hardly worth mentioning .
9 You may be as miserable as the people who write to me about losing their jobs .
10 Fortunately , archaeology breeds rebels who care for nothing but ferreting out the truth .
11 One of them , it contends , is the ability to communicate a sense of urgency to people who work for you without haranguing and without being unpleasant .
12 To cover our confusion and to keep our emotional needs under control we deal with them by using stock phrases .
13 This is a general facility we might like to write in which we would allow us to work like that on any job there is n't for some reason a job , a good reason why a kick-in procedure ca n't be followed , that we deal with it by having em , in the master job file which states that , states the deliberate erm , position rather than an accident .
14 We learn about ourselves by making mistakes , as well as through success ; we learn nothing by staying in a rut .
15 Therefore , I can assure my hon. Friend , who represents a rural constituency , that we have very much in mind the needs of rural post offices and we shall look with interest at any requests that they make to us for extending their liability to sell other services .
16 ‘ Clearly they hate each other 's company and they deal with it by looking away from each other .
17 for them do with it except to become governesses
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