Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [verb] is the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ What I want to grieve is the old Maurice before he was laid so humiliatingly low by whatever it was — a stroke , a deprivation of oxygen , an act of God — we 'll never know .
2 The central point I want to make is the general one , not just about culling : namely , that there really are arguments on both sides and we have to do justice to the complexity of the problem .
3 One person I do like is the late Angela Carter .
4 The other matter with which I wish to deal is the false feeling among Conservative Members that the Government have acted correctly on child benefit .
5 All I have seen is the occasional references , monies given ‘ pro secretis expensis in negotio regis ’ . ’
6 The comparison I have to hand is the 1962 Dorati on Mercury , which did not greatly impress AW last year .
7 The day I have requested is the first day of the school holidays — Thursday 21st December at 10.45 am .
8 The most impressive new diesel model I have tried is the latest Citroen ZX .
9 Whether you 're planning a long backpacking trip or a succession of short excursions , having a clear idea of what you want to accomplish is the surest way to get the most for your time and money .
10 What you need to do is the exact opposite : set yourself targets that you can reasonably expect to achieve .
11 With a practice partner all you need to know is the key word chosen .
12 ‘ Every investor has to back the judgment and ability of the management , but what we want to control is the exceptional event , ’ says Enskilda Ventures ' managing director Bert Wiegman .
13 What we want to emphasise is the theoretical context of method and how this is integral to sociological investigation , not simply as a technique but as something which has profound significance for the possibility of sociology itself .
14 It is also confusion between a proper assurance based on experience and the insight deriving from it , and the dogmatism which so easily follows but is distinct from it , and which insists that what we happen to know is the only thing that matters — what others have discovered or had revealed to them is unimportant .
15 What we do see is the tremendous transformation by the newer media of society , communication and recreational habits , a huge impact we have often been slow to recognize .
16 what we 've , what we 've done is the said job where , where
17 ‘ Tom , ’ I said , ‘ all they 've got is the bare fact of his winning the title , but did he win the Pipeline Masters ?
18 But with bitter consequences , for the target they have chosen is the very thing they should be preserving at all costs .
19 Few of us in our modern life-styles experience this , and the nearest many of us get to exercise is the short , puffed run to catch a train or bus .
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