Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pron] [noun] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 I trust our tenants at the end of the day if it is illegal I 'm sure that our tenants will not do it .
2 If he gets back , tell him I expect his attendance at the ball . ’
3 One very quick point , sorry erm I do n't want to sound as if I feel I can but er I welcome your comment at the beginning the condition be be left out on what 's going on because I thought this was actually the key function of this committee and I mean I see these are being decision has been taken .
4 I have a pee , then I wash my hands at the sink .
5 So I put my mind at the place where the character I 'm playing is , and whatever is making her cry , I work on that and make that affect me .
6 I shake my head at the Amiga screen .
7 I enjoy my work at the playgroup and hope I will be able to continue for many years to come ’
8 She should be able to move in by the end of next week , and I 'll never be so happy as when I wave her goodbye at the front door .
9 Indeed , I recall my impression at the time was of having stepped into a prison cell , but then this might have had as much to do with the pale early light as with the size of the room or the bareness of its walls .
10 Sadie Stewart from Duncairn Gardens in the west of the city said : ‘ I get my pension at the local post office .
11 I remember his determination at the first exploratory meeting in the upstairs room of a small pub off Victoria Street in London .
12 I MISS My War at the Almeida is a first play in English by Iraj Jannatie Ataie , an exiled Iranian poet who was a political prisoner under the Shah 's regime and whose A Cry With Sewn Lips ( in Farsi ) made a moving impression at the Theatre Upstairs four years ago .
13 I have my eye at the moment on the little-visited town of Amman , capital of Transjordan , which I am told is charming .
14 We pick out those pieces which match our needs at the time [ My emphasis ] As have most people in the field , this author has participated in this game , using these data for illustration or emphasis in the classroom , as arguments in a paper , or as support in negotiating a budget or a new piece of equipment .
15 With companies in Hereford shedding staff in the recession , the outlook for those who lose their jobs at the RAF base is bleak .
16 The way you start is most important because if you lose your audience at the beginning you will find it difficult to win back their attention .
17 You too can eat with the animals if you hold your reception at the Zoological Gardens in London 's Regents Park .
18 Well it 's not that hot if you put your hand at the side .
19 Let's have a look at how you manage your time at the moment and how you 'd like to reorganize it for the future .
20 And would you also please make sure you give your name at the time you speak and who you represent because the the the matter is being recorded and we want to make sure we know who has said what at what time .
21 when people are sitting there and thinking oh yes I 'll have a storage heater , you keep lovely and warm you get your bill at the end , a few hundred pound er
22 Just you remember when you get your Access at the end of the month then .
23 Not if you value your job at the manor .
24 You want her to feel the pleasure you know you 're going to feel : but you play your body at the pitch and rhythm you sense in hers .
25 You do your introduction at the back , with why you 've chosen this as background .
26 You need your work at the moment to keep you sane and normal ! ’
27 Richmond Town Council believes The Fosse should be a long stay car park because it used by day trippers who spend their day at the riverside .
28 Well we complete our look at the weekend 's First Division action with brief highlights of this afternoon 's Milwall versus Middlesbrough game .
29 At all centres we complete your logbooks at the end of the holiday , and most beginners are happily sailing on their own by the second week .
30 It is likely , however , that there is some element of the old belief in the practice , as this day was specially chosen in many English counties , notably Devon : ‘ By many people potatoes are planted on Good Friday afternoon ; in south Devon it was said : ‘ We sow our potatoes at the foot of the Cross ’ . ’
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