Example sentences of "[pron] [vb base] [pron] [v-ing] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 I imagine him reading and re-reading the Labour Party 's election manifesto as the results came in .
2 Even if I hear them howling and snapping their jaws I sha n't hurry ! ’
3 It concentrates the mind when you find yourself walking or driving a final few yards round a bend , up a driveway , not knowing whether your house is up or down .
4 Nomos ( Greek for melody , they tell us ! ) are four musicians from various parts of this island who find themselves living and playing in Cork .
5 In many such cases the evidence created by the satisfaction of the criteria is defeated by other evidence ; for example , we see him wincing and holding his stomach , but we know that he has done this at this point in the play every evening this week , and hence we are not justified in believing here what similar evidence of the same sort would perfectly justify elsewhere .
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