Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [noun] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is also noteworthy that the Oriel crew — who may be presumed to have known a thing or two about rowing , given their record in recent years — also failed to remark on the fact that I or Karen were allegedly paddling away from the drowning man .
2 Me and Jo were well split up last night !
3 Helen were just er me and Helen were just talking about our bread pudding yesterday when she come round .
4 Me and Scott were just playing and I went
5 Then they sprang up joyfully and strangely , well away to the south in a part of the forest where they rarely were , so far as to be almost out of sight from the crown of an old dying beech where she and Allen were often perched like birds .
6 Once they have done this , they will be ready to move on to the ‘ university ’ work for which she and Monteith are currently preparing a syllabus not , she says , with a view to any intellectual results , but ‘ in order to turn out rounded human beings ’ .
7 Both she and Bernard were continually taken aback by the way their staff threw themselves into the Ashley enterprise — although they expected nothing less and , in different ways it was they who inspired their employees to rise above whatever talents they thought they could offer .
8 Of course , the cloth-eared bimbo sometimes graduates into becoming the Second Mrs/Mr Tanqueray and becomes the person about whom your children start saying , ‘ Sophie makes these wicked cakes — they just melt in your mouth and she does n't mind what time we go to bed and she and daddy are always giggling and cuddling up and when can we go there again ? ’
9 ( She and Jack were still married at the time . )
10 She and Boldwood were obviously going for a ride together .
11 Emma acquires the greyhound while she and Charles are still living at Tostes : the time of early , inchoate stirrings of dissatisfaction within her ; the time of boredom and discontent , but not yet of corruption .
12 You and Biff are never going to get on .
13 Although , like Gatsby , the meeting between him and Miranda is well planned , he is very vague about what happens after that .
14 Although Park gave no detailed explanation for his decision to resign , the deep antipathy between him and Kim was universally seen as the key factor in his decision .
15 Dialect words fascinated him and footnotes were often added to help the reader on derivations of place-names and other unusual words .
16 Him and Nicholson were never going to look lovely , however hard they tried .
17 This stuff about him and Eva was really making me uncomfortable .
18 W. 's chapter of misfortunes continued when , in September 1991 , Dr. M. suffered a heart attack and contact between him and W. was necessarily severed for some three months .
19 His supporters claimed that the charges against him and Qarrash were politically motivated .
20 It seemed such an ineffectual reason for insisting on going with him but Steve was so wrapped up in himself and thoughts of seeing Maria Luisa again that he did n't even ask her if it might be painful for her facing Fernando again .
21 The second Avoca development was almost wholly Canadian owned , while both it and Mogul were entirely financed by foreign funds .
22 Borg said afterwards that he and Lloyd were just getting the feel of the game when they lost it .
23 The telephone threats became more frequent ; he and Mary-Claude were often followed when they went out , together or separately , and word began to filter back that FBI agents were questioning his friends , neighbours and former associates .
24 He and Rose were better meeting here , on their own , in their own place .
25 The ‘ great windy parlour ’ at the front of the building was soon to become for Coleridge a place in which he felt more at home than in his own tiny cottage , and it was there that he and Poole were later to spend long sociable hours with the Wordsworths , Charles Lamb , Hazlitt and others .
26 He and Lewis are also set to work together again this year in California , in which he plays a serial killer .
27 Anyway he was at home that day , home for lunch , and he and Beryl were actually sitting at the table , talking as it happened about going down soon to take a look at the Hall , when Adam came in .
28 Smyth , an Irish international cricketer , is one of the most exciting batsmen in the country at the moment and he and Kilgore are both hoping to score a lot of runs in tomorrow 's final against North Down .
29 It was him above all she would be trying to impress by her break with convention — impress in a quite futile way , because it was obvious that he and Clare were permanently attached .
30 There seemed little point in asking Kevin whether or not he and Islander were well suited .
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