Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [noun] [verb] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Looking back later , Helen recalled three things about this new life , so different from the unhappy days when she and Edward discovered that his passionate letters to her were being read by Mrs Andrews : ‘ The beauty of it delighted me , and I thought it the perfect setting for these people with their freedom of manner and thought … .
2 No wonder that she and Charles felt that they led a charmed life , that the times were on their side .
3 But then both you and RIPPOE said that her mother was the same and always arrived late and so on for everything , so perhaps it is genetic !
4 And if you 're not satisfied with what is happening or not happening you should say something but grandma insists that she must n't upset
5 The old man 's surprisingly bright grey eyes held him and Hope knew that he was facing an honest man and felt bucked that his own present character was worthy of it .
6 Gebrec stared coldly back at him and Melissa sensed that they were on the verge of a confrontation , but Bonard 's attention was diverted by the approach of the members of his class , who had begun to emerge from the house .
7 It was much too painful for her and Pat decided that they should leave .
8 Her mother was surprised that Sarah was not with her but Anne explained that she had important work to finish .
9 Ockleton had unwittingly supplied it and Harry sensed that he would find , in the mark it had left on both its victims and its practitioners , the indelible trace of what he sought .
10 I could take it and Barry knew that I knew that he knew I could take it .
11 This was partly because both he and Elena saw that it would require a great deal more experience and self-discipline to make Nicu fit for the role , and also because he did not want to rule out Elena .
12 Both he and Delors said that they hoped that negotiations on an EC association agreement with Poland ( started in February 1991 — see p. 38115 ) would be concluded by the end of 1991 , although Delors warned against over-hasty accession to full EC membership .
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