Example sentences of "[pron] [coord] [modal v] [pron] [vb infin] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I said , Oh do n't bother I always I always get people ringing up saying so and so 's mother or father says or someone says you 've been teaching them and can you take me or can you take my son or daughter and it always works like that .
2 First came the minstrels , yelling war songs , and when they had finished they tore off their mantles and threw them down before the Empress , saying now that they had fought for her such clothes were no longer worthy of them and would she give them new ones ?
3 I said , Oh do n't bother I always I always get people ringing up saying so and so 's mother or father says or someone says you 've been teaching them and can you take me or can you take my son or daughter and it always works like that .
4 ‘ Will you take the dog back with you or shall I keep it here for a while ? ’
5 ‘ Shall I carry you or will you carry me ? ’
6 No. 45 Royal Marine Commando have been enquiring about you and would you pay them a visit either this evening or tomorrow evening . ’
7 Thank you and may I add my thanks to for , for their work , very much appreciated and I know the Treasurer would agree , thank you .
8 Once the demand for money and the threat were made and the pistol was produced , would that distract him or would it concentrate his mind on his assailant ? ’ said Mr Justice Leonard .
9 I can not divorce her nor can I proclaim myself a cuckold , to be a common joke amongst my tenants and fellows .
10 May we allow Him to lead us into the unknown , may we draw our courage from Him and may we place our trust in His loving kindness .
11 Lord Southdown reminded him evenly that the port decanter was stuck at him and would he pass it please ?
12 Matt did n't know whether to believe him but can you risk it ?
13 What shall we post it or shall we give it to her ?
14 putting a skewer in it or shall I leave it as it is ? you know .
15 Was it was it or would you say it was ?
16 Do you want me Do you want me to drop it or should you drop it ?
17 Next you have to decide when to enter the date and time information — do you want to use the spreadsheet like a time clock where you record what you are doing at the time you do it or will you use it to maintain a post-hoc record and enter dates and times in batches .
18 Cos I remember once when they asked me at work to deliver the annual speech you know the man that asked me he says er , you know , they 've gone round everybody else and nobody else would do it and would I do it , and I said good lord , that were my first reaction , and I realized like all the company secretaries lo lord , so I did very well there
19 Where do you find it and can you buy it ?
20 May we open our eyes to the problems in the world around us and may we do whatever we can to make other people 's lives happier .
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